Comments on: Santa Clara and 49ers Announce Lawsuit Settlement A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 27 May 2024 20:18:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not Suckered Mon, 27 May 2024 20:18:22 +0000

He is caught giving a confidential Grand Jury report to the 49er lobbyist and the local 49er friendly paper (SC Weekly).

Well, maybe he’ll get sued sometime, but it’s not as if the document was kept secure or the offender prevented from moving the document or its contents, or stopped in the process of it, forcibly if need be.

By: Kirk Vartan Sat, 25 May 2024 08:32:58 +0000 Nice unanimous bashing. Too bad you know so little of the reality of the situation. Unfortunately, many don’t know because the media (this newspaper included) do not shine a light on the issues. The SF Chronicle is the only paper with the courage to print unbiased and factual information.

Yes, Gillmor wanted the stadium to come to Santa Clara. Realize, she did not actually approve the language what was turned into measure J or the legal docs after. All was good until Jed decided to renege on his promise of replacing the youth soccer fields right next to the stadium. He just said, nope, his letter to the city was not a real contact and he didn’t have to honor it. And Mayor Mathews, the council majority, and City Manager Fuentes (remember him?) almost got away with allowing the 49ers to pay pennies on the dollar for the Youth Soccer Park.

There was so much uproar from it, the backroom, private deal fell apart. And what happened after that? Well, Measure R was put forth to the residents of Santa Clara and passes with almost 90% to stop the transfer of parkland without a ⅔ vote of the residents. Now that’s action. That happened under Lisa Gillmor’s watch. As did transparency. And accountability. And this clown show of a council came to power in 2020 and gave the city away to the 49er organization. They signed settlement agreement like chumps. They fired the city attorney and the city manager while in the middle of about a dozen lawsuits.

And Councilmember Becker is the biggest joke of them all. He is caught giving a confidential Grand Jury report to the 49er lobbyist and the local 49er friendly paper (SC Weekly). And then has the balls to talk about others giving it away and never once taking responsibility for his action…until the DA charged him with a misdemeanor and a felony perjury charge. And yet he continues to vote on 49er action and settlement agreements. What a joke.

So, XBR976, if you want to be informed about the realities, look at this joke council and the now suspect City Attorney that doesn’t seem willing to call out government 1090 violations, voiding a contract and creating a leverage situation with the 49ers to come to the table in good faith. Who is the City Attorney supposed to protect? The council alliances? Or the City of Santa Clara? Why don’t you ask why the council allows Becker to continue to vote on 49er issues? Why don’t you ask the City Manager to fully explain all the benefits and concession made for this current settlement? Why don’t you ask for accountability?

By: Xbr976 Sat, 25 May 2024 01:32:05 +0000 For those who don’t know their history or suffer from amnesia, it bears reminding that Gillmor promoted the stadium deal during a hiatus from the council by co-chairing the group “Santa Clarans for Economic Progress”.

She claimed the city certainly would be remiss to not claim “all that money” that the stadium represented.

She ignored the numerous and incessant warnings of residents who said it wasn’t good business practice to get into bed with a NFL team. Now she’s outraged…Gimme a break…

By: SJ Kulak Fri, 24 May 2024 23:27:35 +0000 lie down with dogs, get fleas – shocker!

don’t want to do business with rent seekers? then don’t do business with the NFL

how many times do you have to hear about clueless “politicians” signing us up for decades of debt giving away the store to these racketeers?
