Comments on: San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan’s Bodyguard Attacked During TV Interview A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 01 May 2024 09:15:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: ChadAnderson Wed, 01 May 2024 09:15:41 +0000 Thanks for letting us know. Sorry to hear about this incident.

By: Amy Tue, 30 Apr 2024 22:27:32 +0000 Whatever, just to let you know. This specific incident is not what you are referring to. I have 14+ years experience working with gov officials at various levels. I was deeply disappointed when former council member Kansen Chu lost the election. The current D4 officials are not exactly the cream of the crop to work with for people of color. Bellarmine College Prep white frat boys.

By: Great bodyguard...NOT Tue, 30 Apr 2024 17:10:30 +0000 Why has SJI taken down the video? Probably because it portrays Mahan in a negative light, and shows how embarrassingly inept Mahan’s bodyguard is. He was taken down quickly by the black dude. After that, they scuffled to a draw until several other guys came to the bodyguard’s aid.
The mayor was never ‘attacked’by the black dude.
The bodyguard was hardly ‘heroic’ as Tasha Dean gushed; nor did he use any deescalation tactics as she claimed.
I am very much pro cop, but this event is a total embarrassment to SJPD and the mayor.

By: Whatever Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:18:56 +0000 You will all get what you vote for and defend.
Good luck.

By: Amy Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:22:38 +0000 There is no extreme here. This altercation could easily have been avoided by BOTH sides. Mr. Mayor started it by seeing the man approach and saying to everyone within hearing distance can we not let him inside. It would be helpful to see the entire video. The Judge decided to release after he/she viewed the full video. Even with the conditions the Judge imposed. This was a rather quick release considering the seriousness of the charges. It’s a public place Mr. Mayor doesn’t own the buildings in that area. It didn’t even seem like the man was going to enter. Again the full video would be helpful. The mature adult thing to do is to simply walk away. Both sides handled this in an immature manner.

By: Robert Sun, 28 Apr 2024 19:41:58 +0000 As usual, the loud voices are the extreme. Regardless of what was “said” the guy becomes weirdly aggressive and then physical. Hitting someone crosses the line and is unacceptable. Race is irrelevant to the situation.

By: Amy Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:41:26 +0000 The video is self explanatory. Even more telling is the fact that the Judge decided to release the Black male pedestrian only after he watched the video in it’s entirety. I trust the Judge saw what reasonable people see. Public place, member of the public had a legal right to be there. This was a missed opportunity. Mayor Mahan could have introduced himself as the Mayor of San Jose. Even done an impromptu Q&A session.

By: Amy Sat, 27 Apr 2024 20:56:40 +0000 Glad the NAACP is getting involved. In my opinion the Pedestrian would have simply kept on walking. Had Mayor Matt Mahan not said to everyone within hearing distance not to let him inside a building. Assuming Matt doesn’t own the building. The Bay Area is not the place to display white privilege.

By: Da Mayor Sat, 27 Apr 2024 06:40:41 +0000 The common denominator for all the news sources including this one is, the audience is only getting one side of the story—the usual White power structure spanning government flunkies, politicians, law enforcement, sleazy DAs, the media like this rag, and commenters here trying hard to bend the narrative.

But you don’t hear the civilian’s side. No one is giving the other side of the narrative.

Let’s begin with the mayor saying, “I wouldn’t let him in…”

Why not, Mayor? What did you see about him that made you say that?

No media is asking this very basic question of the mayor. It’s a simple question:

What did you observe about the Black man on his phone walking by you and attempting to enter the building that made you passively aggressively order your staff to not let him into the place where he works?

The lazy media has so far struck out on the basic trigger that set this thing off.

And all the idiots in this comment section are just as lazy and biased.

By: Amy Sat, 27 Apr 2024 02:22:38 +0000 Based on the video. The Pedestrian is talking on his own cell phone just walking by. Mayor Matt Mahan sees him and tells someone not to let the Pedestrian into a building. The undercover officer escalated the situation. By not identifying himself as being an officer of Law. And using an unnecessarily aggressive demeanor when ordering the Pedestrian to leave a public place.
The Pedestrian could have turned the other cheek and walked away. But it is a public place he had a right to be there. The violence is not the answer. But clearly the Pedestrian would have simply kept on walking. If Mayor Matt Mahan had not announced not to let him inside the building.
