Comments on: Sam Liccardo: Why San Jose Sued Major League Baseball A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 24 Feb 2014 23:21:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Village Black Smith Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:17:44 +0000 Sam,
Have you ever been to No Love Tuesday at Henry’s Hi-life?
Today you were the topic of conversation!
That and the law suit that was filed at the MLB, and Bud Selig!
Yes, there were pros and cons! However , what surfaced from our hilerity, was ” Why?”
Interestingly what stuck was that Sam wants to use this law suit to catapult himself into the Mayor’s position.
What the hell do we know about the Reed, Stone, Gonzalez, Liccardo, politics?
  The buzz is out there!
The question was asked! Has Sam ever been out to the old ball park, now, San Jose Giants?
No one could answer the question! Can You?
  The tidal wave of community, will flood this issue!
  Mark Wilson, is a great community activist, with a baseball team that serves our entire baseball community!
  The village Black smith

By: retired3 Fri, 21 Jun 2013 08:47:36 +0000 In reply to hughbiquitous.

We the voters turned down the giants and will do the same with the A’s regardless of any law suit.  This city cannot afford it nor do we want it.  Bring back public safety and city workers and maybe in 20 years we could consider a ball park.

By: Nicholas Cortese Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:51:54 +0000 In reply to Rich Robinson.

I agree with you on this one Rich, but what can you expect?  Sam is a lawyer.  Had it been me making the decision I’d just start my own league and say to hell with the MLB.  Make something new and better and let MLB die a slow death.  Let San Jose residents benefit and use the Green bay packers model and make a publicly owned league where only residents can own stock in the team franchise.  Sue ‘em culture peaked a long time ago and needs to die.

By: Michael R Thu, 20 Jun 2013 01:29:50 +0000 Once again government trying to tell private business how it should run its business. This city is a joke. In the end it will be the tax payers who will suffer. This suit is not free. Rick Doyle, The San Jose City Attorney, signed the suit. He is on the city payroll to the tune of $204,000.00+ per year plus benefits. I don’t call this free. If the move is approved it will cost the tax payers BILLIONS in infrastructure improvements and the cost of the stadium itself. Look at the airport which has a debt in excess of 2 Billion dollars that we the tax payers have yet to pay off. No wonder the City of San Jose is on the watch list of cities likely to file bankruptcy. I don’t particularly care if the A’s come to San Jose or not…I do care about who will pay for it and if the history of giveaways in this city continues …we have a lot to worry about.

By: Rich Robinson Thu, 20 Jun 2013 01:27:47 +0000 Though I wrote about a hardball approach recently, this is not the tact I would have advised.  That said, I shan’t critisize movement.

I hope the Mayor and his excellent legal team come to a rememdy that all can agree—you now have Mr. Selig’s attention. 

Let’s play ball.

By: DISGUSTEDINSJ Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:58:16 +0000 its funny that you bring up the ” commitment made by City council and the A’s ownership” as if that should mean something to people. You , Sam , this Mayor & Council have not only failed to Honor your commitments to City employees but have also sought to change and modify benefits( Naturally this is all Illegal and will be proven to be unconstitutional come late july)You are the worst kind of politician , you smile and lie thru your teeth , just like your personal hero chucky.
    Independent survey? really ? save it nobody is buying it . Nobody in their right mind could/would ever believe any numbers thrown out by you and the Reed Posse……….thats just dumb.
      and since we’re throwing out song lyrics , Im sure you know this one , LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR , LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Thanks to you and the Reed Posse Destroying both P.D. and F.D.  . San Jose is on pace to eclipse last years homicide rate , deal with that ! then we can talk about games

By: cooper stewart Wed, 19 Jun 2013 09:13:59 +0000 In reply to Anonymously.

Exactly. Also, how was that $1M/year calculated?  does it include the increased police and traffic and other expenses that a baseball game necessarily requires?  Also, if the land was sold for its FMV, the city would net $25M NOW!

By: John Wolfram Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:33:31 +0000 Lets face it, the City has a habit of squandering needed City funds on lawsuits, when the spoiled brats cant get their way. And what about the Saint Leo neighborhood, the terrible impact.

The City Fathers are so obsessed, with the future, that is the future of corporate profits. Thats what happens when they spend so much time smoozing with the Chamber, the Rotary, the SC Leadership Group.

Hooray for the City that focuses on the here and now, the current needs of the electorate.

I good example is downtown development. Downtown is the hub for most VTA routes. Who uses VTA most? Those without vehicles, duh! The elderly and lower income. So how many senior and low income units have been added downtown in the past 20 years. Almost zero. No more needs to be said.

By: Just Anon for Now Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:23:42 +0000 First off, I don’t trust any dollar figure you or the City throws out there.  Oh wait it is from an “independent” study so this willy nilly number must be correct.  You suggest the City will receive a direct net revenue of over $1 million a year.  Woooopie!  All the City has to do is first give away $20 Million to Lew Wolff in a stadium land deal.  Sounds like a great deal.

For the record, I can careless if a new stadium comes to San Jose.  I don’t care who plays there.  Just don’t use tax money to do it.  None!

The City sounds like whining idiots.  If I were the owners of MLB, I would just hold a vote.  I don’t think these people like to be pushed around. Denied!

Sam this lawsuit isn’t “San Jose’s declaration of independence”  that distinction will be the day Mayor Reed walks out the door and is replaced by someone other than an incumbent council member.   

Having said my little rant.  Good luck to you Sam. Good luck also to those who stand to benefit the most…..Wolff, McEnery, Swenson,….you know the people that contributed to Mayor Reeds campaigns and the ones that will be funding yours.  Those people.

By: Lou Scannon, Fearful NIMBY Declinist Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:09:30 +0000 > That’s real money that San Jose taxpayers have foregone as a result of the anti-competitive meddling of the San Francisco Giant’s’ ownership.

I’m no lawyer, I just play one on the internet.

My legal analysis says that Congress is the cause of the anti-competitive meddling.  Congress gave major league baseball an anti-trust exemption back when baseball was “America’s pastime”.

Since there is no America anymore (we’re just a borderless open 24-hours a day welfare counter), we really don’t need a national pastime.

So, why don’t the city fathers, mothers, and other ambiguously gendered parental units turn their massive collective brainpower to solving other pressing city problems.

Problems like—oh say—the wide spread of disease by the government mandated use of non-recyclable, reusable grocery bags by little old ladies with 62 cats and two feet of cat feces in every room of their modest section 8 homes.
