Comments on: The Airport Expansion and the Curfew A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 24 Feb 2014 23:21:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: DISGUSTEDINSJ Fri, 12 Apr 2013 08:42:38 +0000 Keep Patting yourself on the Back ,Sam . This city is being driven into the ground by Elitist P.A.M.‘s like you and Rufus . This was a once proud City that has become a running joke , around the country . you should be very proud

By: Do your homework Fri, 12 Apr 2013 04:34:22 +0000 The airport is a complete mess, just ask the owner of Chiramonte’s Deli how he got railroaded by this fine city. Until there change of leadership, the same old dirty politics will countinue.

By: s randall Thu, 11 Apr 2013 08:48:41 +0000 I suppose I was being too cryptic in my earlier post.

If you look at downtown, what you see is an area that despite all the investment and attention, is still not the showcase that boosters want.

So what winds up happening?  For almost as long as I’ve been living in San Jose everything that can be routed through or placed downtown has been.  The popular belief is that all this stuff will transform downtown into something that people will want to visit or live in.  The problem is that some of the things that people want to put downtown shouldn’t be put downtown.

Put light rail through downtown, so that it’ll make people want to go downtown.  What happens is that they really don’t want to go TO downtown, they want to go THROUGH downtown.  So in an attempt to fix things, attempt to add a place for express trains to pass slow trains.  But you can’t do that because it will ruin the asthetics of a run-down park.  A park that boosters figure will some day be a showcase.

Get a high speed rail line routed next to downtown and what happens?  The rail line will be noisy and unsightly, so it’ll have to be put underground, so that the downtown experience is not spoiled.  That adds to the cost of light rail, so that the only sections that get build connect cow towns in the San Joaquin Valley.

Bart?  Wait until they start TALKING about starting the digging.

Airport?  Can’t have noisy airplanes making downtown unlivable.  Besides, people that will want to visit downtown will want to so badly that they’ll gladly come anyway.  And what about that Taj Mahal of a terminal?  Infrastructure for the future, or was someone expecting landing curfews to be adjusted?

Hampton Inns?  Maybe we can offer them a spot next to Santana Row.  Downtown isn’t Tracy, even though the room rates will likely be comparable.

By: Anonymously Thu, 11 Apr 2013 07:10:55 +0000 Why do the elected leaders of San Jose, at every available opportunity, mention taxpayer debt in regards to pension and health care for employees… yet when discussions about Redevelopment and SJC occur there is little to no reference to the respective $3.9 billion and $1.5 billion debts?

In a write up such as this you should at least acknowledge that a huge debt is owed (even though you’ve done little to mitigate it). These combined debts are nearly twice the pension liability, but represent current money owed instead of projected shortfall 30 years in the future.

I’ve been to many community meetings and there is no shortage of handouts or rhetoric about employee costs.  You guys even supported an illegal ballot measure to that end… where is your plan to fix Redevelopment debt?  This deal with Google may help SJC debt, but we BILLIONS because of San Jose leaders’ pet projects.  Soon, if you get your way we’ll get screwed with the A’s too…

By: s randall Thu, 11 Apr 2013 06:25:09 +0000 Take two of the things that civic boosters like to promote, an airport and a downtown and put them next to each other.  What do you get?  San Jose.
