Comments on: Psilocybin Initiative Gathering Support for 2022 California Elections A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 25 Feb 2024 19:11:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Xbr976 Sat, 09 Oct 2021 19:46:48 +0000 Maybe because law abiding citizens would like to legally purchase mushrooms and stay home and watch TV or listen to music or something like that.

If the argument is that vagrants may do it fine, then I’m sure you back re-prohibition of alcohol because lots of street people are drunks and this will prevent that.

By: CA Patriot Wed, 29 Sep 2021 19:53:00 +0000 Great, just what we need – more drug availability to draw more vagrants to the streets.

According to …experts, CA has made homelessness worse by:
1. making perfect housing the enemy of good housing,
2. by Liberalizing DRUG LAWS, and
3. by Opposing Mandatory Treatment for mental illness & drug addiction.
Other states have done a better job despite spending less money.

CA’s leading homelessness advocates (grifters wasting Taxpayer funds) insist that the current crisis is due mostly to the housing shortage.
Homelessness Experts disagree.

“I’ve rarely seen a NORMAL Able-Bodied able-minded non-drug-using homeless person who’s just down on their luck,”
L.A. street Doctor Susan Partovi said.
“Of the thousands of people I’ve worked with over 16 years, it’s like 1 or 2 people a year.
And they are the Easiest to Deal With.”

Rev. Bales agrees: “One hundred percent (100%) of the people on the streets are MENTALLY Impacted, ON DRUGS, or Both”

Most of the time what people mean by the homelessness problem is really a Drug Problem and a Mental Illness Problem.

“The ACLU will come after me if I say the Mentally ill need to be taken OFF The Street,”
said Dr. Partovi.

“…things worsened 10 years ago when L.A. and other CA cities rejected drug recovery (treatment) as a condition of housing.”

Why CA Keeps Making Homelessness Worse

By: David S. Wall Mon, 27 Sep 2021 20:09:31 +0000 Why stop at Psilocybin?

I’ll take a couple of tabs of “Betty Boop” when they become available.

Good Ol’ Betty enhances Jimi Hendrix wickedly cool riffs.

We are losing control of our Nation to; drugs, Communists masquerading as Democrats and the welfare state.


David S. Wall

By: The Engineer Mon, 27 Sep 2021 04:07:00 +0000 Why on earth does Scott Weiner want to do this? All drugs and drug use are practically legal right now in SF, and no rational person can argue that things are fine there. It’s a disaster and human misery experimental lab, with lawlessness And criminality added in. Weiner once explained, when asked why he wanted these legalized, is that the War on Drugs has been a failure. That’s it. That position is very arguable, as SFs experiment has absolutely not worked either. The only possible reason to legalize these is that he likely will personally benefit from this.
