Comments on: Cannabis Myths Persist, Fueled by its Forbidden Flower Status A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 10 Dec 2020 01:53:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: FEXXNIST Thu, 10 Dec 2020 01:53:45 +0000 If my personal behavior decision negatively impacts the wellbeing of others, then it is a public concern. Useless to keep discussions with you XBR976. You do not have a brain but a butthead!

By: xbr976 Wed, 09 Dec 2020 00:06:15 +0000 Except marijuana is clearly NOT addictive in the sense that Nicotine and Alcohol are. One will not have withdrawals if one stops using it. That’s why most people I know who imbibed on a semi-regular basis when young had no trouble stopping 100% if they wanted or needed to stop. That’s not easy to do with other drugs. The addiction (for some people) you write off is a not a physical addiction. Anything can be addicting–good or bad–in a psychological sense.

I think proponents claims for MJ’s magical properties are mostly hucksterism. I don’t think anything more than occasional usage is going to be a negative factor in most people’s lives. If I had my own company, for instance, I wouldn’t want my employees getting stoned every night. I told my son (at a high priced private college) that if he wanted to “party” a lot, just to do it at a lower cost state school (however, lucky for me, he doesn’t drink or toke–just not interested).

I just don’t like the hypocrisy and hysterics about MJ that I’ve seen all my life. It just hasn’t squared with my own personal experience with it. Never agreed that it is/was a legitimate function of law enforcement to get involved in what’s a personal behavior decision.

By: SJOutsideTheBubble Mon, 07 Dec 2020 18:54:39 +0000 > you can smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, which, according to official research, are even more harmful than marijuana,

Tobacco is bad for you and bad for kids. Nicotine is powerfully addictive.
Alcohol is bad for you and bad for kids. Alcohol is powerfully addictive.
Marijuana is bad for you and bad for kids. It is psychoactive and addictive, at least for some people. It causes physiological changes.

Warning labels tell pregnant women not to use marijuana.

Important safety tip: don’t use drugs with warning labels.

By: CBD Capsules Mon, 07 Dec 2020 18:34:05 +0000 on the one hand, in our country you can smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, which, according to official research, are even more harmful than marijuana, and if people legally relax with beer and cigarettes, then why is everyone still so against it all? But on the other hand, all adolescents who start smoking marijuana, then start trying something else, and not all then can stop … This is a double-edged sword … But people who do not know how to control themselves can do legally and just become alcoholics, because alcohol is relaxing too. so I don’t even know how to sum it up

By: FEXXNIST Mon, 07 Dec 2020 03:44:06 +0000 XBR876, I have worked with youths who use substances. Drug addiction does not discriminate and it affects all socioeconomic status. The difference is that those youths with parents with more resources go to private rehabs and do not wait in line for treatment. All parents suffer the same when their children have these conditions. Have you ever heard of the “it takes a village to raise a child”?Parents have responsibility but communities and societies too. You are correct, people have to be 21 years of age to have access to these substances, so how come youths have had plenty of access to these substances? I know the answers because they have told me. My clients have been in the 12-19 age range. The marijuana industry is not regulated! It cost more money to pay daily rehab for each of these children than to pay them a stay (daily rate) at a five start hotel. I can see you are running out of excuses to continue advocating for legalization and cultural acceptance of recreational marijuana. F@ck the marijuana industry! Children are first not profits.

By: xbr976 Mon, 07 Dec 2020 02:12:08 +0000 Well, in legal states one has to be 21 to buy and use. So it isn’t legal for children anywhere. I sort of think parents have some responsibility for children also. No one I knew who used marijuana as a young person ended up in the gutter. Mostly normal folks today. Not hard to stop using if that’s what you want to do. You guys in here are overreacting–do you really think legalization has that much impact on usage? I don’t think it’s really changed things that much.

By: Phu Tan Elli Sun, 06 Dec 2020 20:37:04 +0000 “My main thing is that no one’s life is improved or made better by being thrust into the maws of the criminal justice system over using a stinking weed.” “Good grief, I give up. Will someone please think of the children?” — XBR976

My primary concern is for the children, whose brains we have every reason to believe are uniquely susceptible to structural change from marijuana use. Consider (from Scientific American):

“recent studies show that cannabinoids manufactured by our own nerve cells play a crucial role in wiring the brain, both prenatally and during adolescence. Throughout life they regulate appetite, sleep, emotion, memory and movement—which makes sense when you consider the effects of marijuana. There are “huge changes” in the concentration of these endocannabinoids during the teenage years, according to neurologist Yasmin Hurd of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai…”

Tragically, these same young minds are also exceptionally vulnerable to the asinine influences of the entertainment and liberal communities that have celebrated and even glamorized marijuana use, elevating it from what it actually is, a risking and undesirable choice, to what it certainly is not, a harmless credential of rebellious sophistication and social cool.

By: SJOutsideTheBubble Sun, 06 Dec 2020 20:08:28 +0000 > What is it about this that brings out all the Carrie Nations?

If we were a pure libertarian society, people would be TOTALLY responsible for their own bad decisions.

We would have to accept the reality of miserable wretches lying in the gutters and people telling them “it’s your own damn fault”. Instead, we vote for big hearted politicians who are going to use government “to do something”, meaning make innocent taxpayers pay for the irresponsible wretches.

Legalizing marijuana and other “recreational drugs” just allows the pitiful wretches and drug profiteers to get their greedy, slimy fingers on my wallet.

By: Xbr976 Sun, 06 Dec 2020 16:12:22 +0000 Good grief, I give up. Will someone please think of the children? Okay?

By: FEXXNIST Sun, 06 Dec 2020 01:54:57 +0000 I want medical marijuana to be legal and regulated and available at pharmacies where we buy all other medicines. They should be available by prescription of our regular doctors not on sale at “marijuana dispensaries…” The Marijuanna industry in not regulated; even minors buy it there. Politicians advocating for these marijuana businesses are the same that obtain donations from people who profit from it. Free country does not mean to have freedom to destroy the children of that country by targeting its youths! Enough with thus BS! The most important responsibility of any society is to protect those that will be its future and those who created the present (children and seniors) and those with impaired ability to protect themselves (disabilities). Alcohol, cigarettes, and porn should be illegal too! But, OMG we created three monsters who are too powerful now!
