Comments on: SJ Fire Chief Provides Details of Fire Crew’s Stops at Strip Club and Local Bar While on Duty A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 28 Apr 2023 04:05:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Smith Fri, 28 Apr 2023 04:05:18 +0000 The whole thing seems like a lot of noise about nothing. We have a lot more important things to worry about and spend tax dollars on investigating and reporting on than this.
If you’re angry at the fire department, ask them to go back to working 8 hour shifts 5 days a week and not to use the trucks to drive to the grocery store.

By: David S. Wall Thu, 27 Apr 2023 17:34:52 +0000 From the picture posted it appears the young woman is so scantily clothed she must have been freezing and thus her life may have been in danger. Thus, the Firefighters allowed her trespassory interlude into the cab of the Fire Vehicle for warmth and reconstitution of her physical wellness.

The Firefighters should be commended for possibly saving the life of this young lady and not vilified by prudish sentiments bellowed from the jealous Mayor and Council.

David S. Wall
