Comments on: Housing Plan Needs Options for Low-Income Youth A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 25 Sep 2014 23:35:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: sjoutsidethebubble Thu, 25 Sep 2014 23:35:34 +0000 Doing well, while doing good.

President of the United States $400,000

Sparky Harlan $225,262
CEO/Ex Oficio DIrector,
Bill WIlson Center

Vice President of the United States $230,700
Majority leader, U.S. Senate $193,400
Speaker of the House of Representatives $223,500

Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court $223,500
Associate Justice $213,900 av.

All federal judges, median $119,270

State chief justices, median $152,500
State associate justices, median $146,917

Governor of New York $179,000
Governor of Illinois $177,500
Governor of Michigan $177,000
Governor of New Jersey $175,000
Governor of Virginia $175,000
Governor of California $173,987

Governor of Texas $150,000
Governor of Colorado $90,000
Governor of Oregon $93,000
Governor of Maine $70,000

Median U.S. Household Income, 2011 $50,054

By: Downtown Dweller Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:48:00 +0000 In reply to frustrated finfan.

A lttle extreme, to be sure. Years past, societies had debtors prisons and workhouses for the poor and homeless, and mental facilitiees such as the insane asylums of old. Dickens chronicles life for the poor during the Industrial Revolution, a period of rapid growth and riches. We are now in a Tech Revolution, and the plight of the poor is the same. The “solution” was Welfare and social programs. Have they worked? Are SROs the answer? I agree with you on one point, though: I can think of no greater threat to my quality of life, or the dollar value of my home.

By: glory Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:08:14 +0000 I need help looking for place too live bye oct 1 ,2014 I be homeless me and daughter and two old son I been very stress out I got a job .. im single mom I have cal works .. I been so sad I feel like I failed my son … I need help..

By: sjoutsidethebubble Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:31:39 +0000 In reply to frustrated finfan.

Is it just my imagination, or did things seem to work better back in the day when the local central planners called everything “smart”: “smart growth”, “smart meters”, “smart planning”, “smart taxes”, “smart graft”, “smart everything”.

I think the reason things have gone off the rails is that the really smart people who pull all the strings have gotten lazy and stopped telling us how smart they are, and how smart we are for electing them.

By: sjoutsidethebubble Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:53:26 +0000 In reply to CalPERSification.

> Why wouldn’t someone making $200k per year want to preserve her job security by increasing potential “clients” by all means necessary?

Well, $225,262 actually.

But it’s so miserly to quibble over a lousy 25 grand for someone with a heart as big as Sparky’s and who’s just helping the children.

After all, Mother Theresa probably got paid just as much for helping leper children in Calcutta.

Wait. Let me check that. I’ll get back to you.

By: frustrated finfan Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:28:57 +0000 City Hall is currently faced with a debt 18 stories high thanks to decades of plans and solutions that were supposed to create an attractive and vibrant downtown, an international airport with all the trimmings, and a crown jewel of a city hall. The downtown schemes, numerous and priced in the hundreds of millions, were failures, returning maybe a buck in revenue for every $100 spent. The international airport, once a city cash cow for the city, is now a bloated carcass, attracting more debt than new passengers. And city hall, which was touted as a fiscally wise solution to a city that had outgrown its old quarters, is a high-priced bummer.

As it stands right now, I would rather have rats invade my neighborhood than anyone from the government with a plan. Outside of the kind of diversity we all know and loathe, I can think of no bigger threat to the peace and quiet of my neighborhood, or the dollar value of my home.

As for your homeless young people, why not set them up in some shiny new labor camps out in the farm country? Or is that a solution only for surplus Mexicans?

By: John Galt Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:01:56 +0000 Both the State and Federal governments offer financial incentives to San Jose encouraging us to make our city crappy. People like Sparky here, who get a big chunk of this money, in turn have a financial incentive to lobby our “leaders” and convince them that this crappiness is merely a misperception among the unenlightened. Fortunately for her and her bank account, our “leaders” are easily duped and the ongoing campaign to overpopulate San Jose continues.

By: CalPERSification Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:41:02 +0000 You say 12,000?

Ok, Ms. Harlan, are you in favor of raising the minimum hourly wage to $15?

How about sheltering “migrant” children?

I bet the answer to both questions is a resounding “YES!”

Why wouldn’t someone making $200k per year want to preserve her job security by increasing potential “clients” by all means necessary?

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By: sjoutsidethebubble Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:49:15 +0000 Sparky:

I don’t believe you.

We have a Democrat president, a Democrat governor, Democrat senators, a Democrat congressional delegation, Democrat constitutional officers in Sacramento, Democrat county supervisors, Democrat city council members, and Democrat everything else.

Democrats CARE about homelessness.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for there to be a homeless problem in San Jose.


I don’t believe you.
