Comments on: Why San Jose needs the Mayor’s Business Advocate A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:20:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Engineer Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:20:22 +0000 I will concede that this is not a bad idea, but it is far from what is needed from a person who wants to lead this City of almost 1 million from the neglect it has suffered for the last 8 years. Unfortunately, VM Nguyen has also stayed hidden in Reed’s shadow for the last 8 years and has done nothing to separate herself from anyone else, much less the other members running for mayor.

It is stunning that this is literally the first time anyone on the council has acknowledged publically the ratio of housing-to-jobs imbalance, and just how unsustainable this really is for revenue growth in the City, and what a drain this is for services provided by the City. Had any effort been made by this council to address this very real problem over the last 8 years, we would be in far better shape now.

By: Really Sat, 01 Mar 2014 14:17:29 +0000 I think that any Mayoral candidate, especially one who has been on the council for eight years, should be aware of what city services are already in place. Per the City’s own website, the Office of Economic Development states:

“The City of San José’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to a vital, competitive San José economy that increases prosperity for people and companies and enhances City revenues.

The office guides the City’s economic strategy, provides assistance for business success, helps connect employers with trained workers, and provides art and cultural resources to our community.”

If she’s going to hire someone else to do their job, can we eliminate this office and save the money? Vote for Dave.

By: Jate Naeger Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:33:10 +0000 Hiring a business advocate cannot undo all the damage the Vice Mayor has done in the past 8 years… Businesses in San Jose are virtually forced to hire security guards or pay off-duty police officers to keep crime at bay. Focus on the fundamentals. Too many times you have used race baiting and untrue claims of bias to further your career- you cannot be trusted.

By: Michael Roberts Fri, 28 Feb 2014 21:16:33 +0000 If elected mayor Madison Nguyen would hire a Mayor Business Advocate(MBA). Why do we need to vote for her if she is going to have someone else do her job. We should be voting for an MBA for mayor. It looks to me that Nguyen is not up to the job.

By: Eliry Vasquez Fri, 28 Feb 2014 21:06:29 +0000 You have a great plan for support businesses and families in our city. This person, the MBA, can help a great deal with family businesses that need advocates in city hall in order to succeed in San Jose.

By: retired Fri, 28 Feb 2014 20:55:42 +0000 Bad idea as well as trying to bring back a burglary unit that was cut due to your support. We need new ideas not bad leadership that came from Chuck and other like you on the council. WE need a serious swing on the council and I am sorry to say it will not come from you. We need to right this city NOW. With a new city council who cares about workers and citizen concerns about public safety. We will never retain officers and firefighters under the current Measure B.

By: Jay Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:39:56 +0000 This doesn’t sound like a bad idea. However, if our City wasn’t so messed up we wouldn’t need a cheerleader (aka MBA). We need a Mayor that will clean this City up. The current direction that this council has led this City is the wrong direction. For this reason I will NOT be voting for Councilmember Nguyen. We need a change.

I say get rid of the IPA and hire a few MBAs.
