Comments on: Mahan: San Jose Needs Mayor with Experience to Bring Change A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 10 Nov 2022 18:27:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Thu, 10 Nov 2022 18:27:40 +0000 My father (passed away last yr) was a retired Engineer & City Commissioner. My mother owns a state licensed business. I’ve to communicate with gov officials at various levels since approx. 14 yrs now. I voted for Matt Mahan. His opponent is an anti-business pro gov over regulating business career politician paid for by special interest groups. That’s why we have an ever- growing homeless crisis. And other systemic problems. With that said. Even if elected. Matt Mahan won’t be able to implement his plans unless enough city council members are on board. If elected. I hope the Governor’s directives to address systemic problems like our homeless crisis are followed. He has allocated $’s towards the homeless crisis. It’s up to the local officials to use that money wisely.

By: Not Suckered Sat, 05 Nov 2022 06:50:36 +0000 Hasn’t Chavez been one of those desiring to close the Reid-Hillview airport in order to assist developers who covet that site, currently using the recently pushed lead hazard Alarmism Lite as part of a rationalization for doing these things?

By: My_Opinion Sat, 05 Nov 2022 01:36:20 +0000 “ the city is going downhill”

IMO….You vote for the person who has the EXPERIENCE to work with the City and the County. Mahan doesn’t have the experience needed and, in fact, chastised County workers for getting bonuses for working through the pandemic. He barely understands how City departments works.

By: My_Opinion Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:28:03 +0000 Mahan talks repeatedly about accountability. He wants accountability, which is already widespread in City Hall, but refuses to be accountABLE. As a CM, he is required to attend his district’s Community Advisory Committee for homelessness, but doesn’t show up.

Mahan is legally required to provide funding disclaimers on all mailers, texts, and all campaign material, but he doesn’t.

Mahan is exactly right! We need a mayor with EXPERIENCE. That is the number 1 reason we voted for Cindy Chavez.

By: Concerned Citizen of South San Jose Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:59:48 +0000 Every labor politician running or already in a seat is beholden to Cindy Chavez. She says jump – they say how high. And if they say no, there are consequences. Please understand that. If she is elected, labor will own this city, and salaries, benefits, and pension costs will skyrocket because she is beholden to the unions. I am not anti-union – unions play an important role in our society and I appreciate the role they play, especially in the private sector. But public employee unions are fighting for a big piece of a small pie and bankrupting the system as a result.

By: Don Gagliardi Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:48:49 +0000 Truth is “shtick”?

I did not vote for Cindy Chavez for mayor, either. She’s also culpable for coercing experimental jabs — on VTA employees.

By: AVentura Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:32:43 +0000 So what do you do when your city just doesn’t have good candidates to vote for? One’s politics don’t jive with mine, the other has been here for over 20 years and the city is going downhill. I know Cindy’s tenure, along with other city “leaders” is not the way of the future, but Mahan would not have been my choice to replace them. In the end, I can’t go with what I know is broken, but wish I’d been more confident in the change.

By: Piers Mnuchin Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:22:42 +0000 Don, your schtick is way past its expiration date. I didn’t realize you carried Cindy’s water until this campaign. Maybe I haven’t been paying attention until now. Have you sat down and had a conversation with Mahan? If not, it’s not too late.

By: Don Gagliardi Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:59:52 +0000 My position does carry across the board.

I’m commenting on a Mahan op-ed. he is responsible for what he did. Everyone-was-doing-it, even though largely true, is not a defense.

By: Work90 Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:46:05 +0000 Can we assume you take this stance across the board then Don?
That’s to say; you want Biden & Faucci and Pelosi prosecuted for Crimes against humanity? Not to mention Gavin, Cody and Cindy? If that’s what your saying then count me in.

Otherwise, vote for Mahan and kick the carrier politicians out. They are the ones committing the crimes.
