Comments on: Op-Ed: Difficult Times Require Us to Rally around Common Bonds A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 30 Oct 2016 17:38:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: sjoutsidethebubble Sun, 30 Oct 2016 17:38:27 +0000 In reply to Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano.

> You are obviously a Republican –


Republicans are very rare in California. I think there’s a specimen in Yorba Linda or somewhere that has been stuffed and mounted.

If you see an actual living Republican in the wild in California, report it to the Audubon Society.

Thanks to the “top two primary” system, you may never again get a chance to see an actual living Republican in California..

By: Smokey Sun, 30 Oct 2016 03:21:53 +0000 In reply to Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano.

Charley wrote:

“Smokey – You are obviously a Republican – one needs only to hear your arguments to make such a conclusion.”

Chuckles, as I’ve stated here and in many other blogs for over the years: “IANAR”. That acronym means: ‘I Am Not A Republican’. Never have been, either.

Therefore, based on your absolute belief that you only need to hear my arguments to ‘conclude’ which political party I belong to, I’ll just disregard your claimed ability to think straight and analyze others.

And you made it worse, when you doubled down:

“You lie when you say that after meeting and speaking with Mr. Jimenez you are not voting for him.”

Since I haven’t voted yet, you don’t know that. Do you? In fact, I would vote for Jimenez if the only other choice was someone even farther to the Left, because I always vote. But Sergio is about as far Left as anyone, so I’m not too concerned about that happening. Not yet, anyway.

You probably also don’t know that I was elected President of my union’s Local. Four times, and every election was strongly contested. And l was elected twice after that as a statewide union officer representing all the California workers in our rather large International union. So I do know something about “the working man”.

Rather, my concern is over the candidates and organizations that already have their fingers deep in our wallets. Mr. Gonzalez represents them — not taxpayers like me.

Finally, the guy tagging along with Gonzalez claimed to be a ‘police officer’. Was he, really? I wonder. But maybe you know for a fact that the guy is a cop. If so… how would you know that for certain?

Do I get an answer to that question? Because ‘Omar’ sure didn’t sound like a typical cop… Most cops are Trump voters.

By: SJ Citizen in Exile Sat, 22 Oct 2016 13:30:28 +0000 In reply to Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano.

Mr Garcia-Felciano, I have gone through Mr Jimenez’s website and Linkedin page, it is clear to me that he and the organizations that have backed him are dangerous to the future of San Jose, especially the working families that live here. Small business is the driver for the economy, particularly those in the working class. Supporting $15 minimum wage, more labor regulations, small business taxes, and rent control all make it harder to get a job and make living expenses higher for the exact people who live in the Mayfair and other communities in District 2.

Making it harder to start and keep a business, hire employees, and potentially become a rental property owner (you would be shocked on how many ARO owners are immigrants) is going backwards, not forward. People that Mr Jimenez claims to support have come and continue to come to San Jose for opportunity, which only comes when the job, housing, and the ability to start a business is easier and more flexible.

The issues Mr Jimenez, and others like him, support only help the unions, corporations, existing rental property owners at the expense of small independent business people, low skill workers, and immigrants. Their initiatives are based on the false premise, or ideology, that government can legislate opportunity through social justice, which is internally inconsistent. This make Mr Jimenez’s ideology dangerous, whatever you choose to call it, communitarianism, communism, or capitalism.

If the residence of San Jose want more the same bad city management we have experienced for the past 50 years they will get that with Mr Jimenez.

By: John Galt Sat, 22 Oct 2016 06:16:07 +0000 In reply to Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano.

I believe you’re wrong. Mr. Jimenez will not “balance these interests for the good of everyone in the city”. No. He will join with the prevailing liberal political machine and use his power to take yet more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don’t. He will prioritize entitlement programs at the expense of infrastructure maintenance and other legitimate City responsibilities. He will be an advocate for higher taxes even as he squanders taxpayers’ hard earned dollars.
Uh oh. I’ve expressed my “dangerous ideology”. You and Mr. Jimenez are now free to dismiss me as yet another stupid discriminating bigot so you can justify taking my money and wasting it on futile, counterproductive social programs.

By: Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano Fri, 21 Oct 2016 06:44:03 +0000 In reply to John Galt.

No Johnny – I speak for myself not for Mr. Jimenez but to me the “ideologies” that I would like to keep off the SJ City Council is: Candidates that will vote for business first and for the working man second. I am a Capitalist – and although a moderate I believe there is a need to balance business and working people to reach an optimal position in the council. It is obvious that many in this page, including yourself, are Republicans – but I know Mr. Jimenez is one that will balance these interest for the good of everyone in the city. After reading Mr. Smokey’s comments above – I would add Bigotry, Discrimination & Stupidity to these “Ideologies”.

By: Carlos E. Garcia-Feliciano Fri, 21 Oct 2016 06:30:20 +0000 In reply to Smokey.

Smokey – You are obviously a Republican – one needs only to hear your arguments to make such a conclusion. Sergio Jimenez is not to the left of Che Guevara and you know that. Are you implying that Mr. Jimenez is a Communist? Be a serious person and stop defaming those whose only interest is to serve our city. If you are a Republican and don’t believe in what he believes that is find – explain yourself and let people agree or disagree with you sir. But to make fun of a police officer of Spanish descent and even worst implying that the man, who had to show his right to be in the USA before he is admitted to the police academy, is an illegal, that is just plainly wrong sir. Such a statement shows your lack of intelligence and worst, bigotry. You lie when you say that after meeting and speaking with Mr. Jimenez you are not voting for him. The truth is that you never intended to vote for he who will represent the working man in the city. You sir – are certainly to the right of David Duke.

By: sjoutsidethebubble Tue, 18 Oct 2016 23:20:35 +0000 In reply to Smokey.


DId Jimenez mention any “dangerous ideologies”? If so, what was the nature of the “dangerous ideologies”?

Would any of the “dangerous ideologies” have anything to do with “white skin privilege”, bitterness, clinging to guns or religion, unwillingness to pay one’s fair share of taxes, or just being generally deplorable?

By: Smokey Tue, 18 Oct 2016 19:48:46 +0000 In reply to Tam S..


Sergio Jimenez just gave (an illegal) campaign solicitation to our class (his opponent was not present, and as you might guess, Sergio is somewhat to the Left of Ché Guevara).

Mr. Jimenez also brought along a San Jose cop (Omar) as a cheerleader. The cop’s accent was so thick I could hardly understand it. I’d bet real folding money that Omar is an illegal.

Everything Sergio Jimenez said he wants amounted to the same thing: taking more (much more) money from the taxpaying public.

Haven’t these ‘representatives’ already spent too much on their stupid, self-serving ideas? Our lives aren’t any better now than before they confiscated all that money from us. Does anyone believe that more/higher taxes will suddenly improve things? Hah! As if…

After meeting and speaking with Sergio Jimenez, there is no way I would ever vote for him; he’s evil.

And before Jimenez gives any more campaign speeches on a campus, he needs to look into the illegality of taking over our class time to campaign. Neither Sergio nor his cop pal seem to know what they’re doing is ILLEGAL. (But Mrs. Smokey knows; she was a middle school Principal for more than twenty years.)

Stop your lawbreaking, Mr. Jimenez. Stop it now.

By: John Galt Fri, 14 Oct 2016 02:46:43 +0000 In reply to Smokey.

Smokey, Just remember. Sal’s never really thought about VTA. It simply doesn’t matter to him whether or not it’s a gigantic waste of resources. He has no opinion on it. But the thing is, he doesn’t think you should have an opinion on it either and it bothers him that you do. What really concerns Sal and his ilk (“ilk” is one of the dude’s favorite words) is what other people think. It’s very important that everyone be trained to think right. The thought police are always on the lookout for expressions of “dangerous ideologies” and it’s vitally important to them that they be promptly discredited. To accomplish this noble goal, Sal has opted for the strategy of labelling you “unhinged”. But don’t worry about Sal. He’s an obedient soldier just doing his job.

By: Smokey Fri, 14 Oct 2016 02:35:46 +0000 In reply to Sal.


You’re confused. “Owner’s rights” is a basic human right: either we have rights, or we don’t. And if we lose the right to own property, what good are any other rights?

Next: Explain what ‘treads on your rights’? <–(your own words). You never explain anything coherently; all you ever do is nitpick and deflect. But you could change that now, by trying to explain these points:

• You have no workable solutions.

• The canard "put profits before people" is meaningless Leftist drivel. Try to say what you really mean — if you can.

• And we're still waiting for you to try and explain why political appointees would do a better job of running a transportation system than an experienced free market company that won the contract by being the low bidder.

But since you can’t, or won’t explain yourself — you can’t even explain why you won’t read other comments that you presume you’re qualified to answer — that’s…

…Strike three! You’re out.
