Comments on: Neighborhood Groups Come Together to Combat Prostitution A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 24 Feb 2014 23:21:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: BOHICA Mon, 25 Feb 2013 03:44:46 +0000 At least there is one nice thing about being a Police Officer or Firefighter in San Jose.  We know the truth, because we live it.  It is amazing how much mis-information and know-it-alls there are here.  Simply Amazing…

By: Kathleen Flynn Sat, 23 Feb 2013 10:33:36 +0000 In reply to Steve0.


“Why should Mr. Torres and his neighbors have to waste so much of their time convincing the city council to take care of the problem?”

Answer: Because it is our City, where we live and raise our families.

To support law enforcement and to bring attention to our overworked, and understaffed PD.

To send a message to those doing unlawful things in our neighborhoods that we aren’t going to stand for it.

“If this example is to become the norm, our city council would be allocating scarce police resources based on the squeakiest wheel.”

These squeaky wheels help bring in grants, and money to assist law enforcement. The City would be wise to collaborate with non profits to bring in more services and money.

“Our city council needs to put aside their pet projects and start working on a solution to provide adequate police protection for all neighborhoods.”

Pet projects? Start working toward solutions? What do you think they are doing by working with these groups? Groups like Omar’s and the Lara’s are working hard in the community along with the City to do just that!

You might want to attend these protests before you make statements like these. These groups have gotten their communities to report crime AND to work with law enforcement to reduce crime.

I’m very proud of them for taking ownership of their community and for doing it with the assistance and guidance of law enforcement.

And BTW- They ALWAYS thank and honor our SJPD at everyone of their events, and continually fight to get more Police Officers hired. Without their hard work and pressure on our elected officials, nothing would change for the better, and criminals would run even more rampant in our community.

By: Steve0 Sat, 23 Feb 2013 03:46:37 +0000 In reply to Kathleen Flynn.

Is this really an example we want to continue?  Why should Mr. Torres and his neighbors have to waste so much of their time convincing the city council to take care of the problem?  If this example is to become the norm, our city council would be allocating scarce police resources based on the squeakiest wheel.  Our city council needs to put aside their pet projects and start working on a solution to provide adequate police protection for all neighborhoods.

By: Rob Johnson Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:34:03 +0000 In reply to Anonymously.

Omar:  Before Chuck decided to abandon our police department we used to have a specialized unit called “Street Crimes” that dealt with prostitution and quality of live crimes in the downtown core including the area you are talking about.  The unit targeted this issue on a regular basis.  The unit would run decoys and arrested so many “Johns” that operations had to be shut down due to so many arrests.  In addition, they targeted prostitutes and would make arrests on a daily basis along the Alameda, Monterey Hwy and many local motels.

Today chucks says “We’ve turned the corner, we’ve changed directions,” “we’re no longer shrinking, and now it’s a question of how long it will take”. (Wed MN)

Well let me tell you, BS, over 400 officers have left SJ, many more are lined up and interviewing with other Departments.  Many more will retire soon.  We have not turned any corner, but we are going down the tubes.  Article stated 108 recent hires.  This to is false.  One new recruit academy in years and it only has about 60.  I hope Chuck is not including civilian hires at the PD.

Sad but your problem along with gangs and Graffiti will not get any better so a long time.

By: Anonymously Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:58:30 +0000 Omar:  San Jose PD received a mandate from 70% of voters (According to Rufus and the Mercury News) in the form of Measures V, W and B.  It was heard loud and clear.  The City Council and Mayor are making sure that the voters get what they want, rest assured.  Overcompensated and overstaffed City workers took it to heart and are leaving in droves.

It’s far from over my friend… things will “improve” a lot more!  Stay classy San Jose.

“Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.” -Robert F. Kennedy

By: Kathleen Flynn Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:41:49 +0000 Great job Omar! You are a perfect example of what needs to take place in our neighborhoods all over San Jose. We need to work with the community and the SJPD to take our neighborhoods back!

I was honored and privileged to march with your group, and with Pastors Linda, and Sonny Lara from Star of David Ministries, several months before you had your march.

The Lara’s led over 200 people up and down First Street handing out literature, and speaking to young prostitutes on the street. They offered them help and hope, and that is what is really needed. Marching alone isn’t enough. They need a way out to empower themselves.

I’d love to see your group collaborate with the Lara’s. You’re both AWESOME!!!

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our City, and our youth!
