Comments on: Op-Ed: San Jose’s LGBTQ Community is as Strong as Its Flags are Vibrant A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 09 Jul 2019 19:47:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: sjoutsidethebubble Tue, 09 Jul 2019 19:47:18 +0000 “Officials find Breeder Community TOO Strong, Flags TOO Vibrant”

Vibrant, diverse Breeder Community told their behavior is not “normal: Flaunting sexuality in the workplace is “inappropriate” .

By: sjoutsidethebubble Tue, 09 Jul 2019 17:03:54 +0000 “San Jose’s Breeder Community is as Strong as It’s Flags are Vibrant”

“Our city recently raised the heterosexual promiscuity flag over City Hall, a small yet important symbol of San Jose’s commitment to the Breeder community.”

. . .

“As the flags rose on that warm afternoon, I kept thinking of just how well our local breeder organizations embody the greater meaning behind these flags.”

. . .

“Each color signifies an idea. Black symbolizes lingerie. White symbolizes white lingerie.”

“The Breeder community has tirelessly fought for visibility, acceptance, and rights. Unfortunately, there have been few victories over the last five decades.”

By: M.T. GUNN Thu, 04 Jul 2019 03:53:42 +0000 Hmmm.
What color hanky do I wear to say, stay away from me you crazy bustards?

By: John Galt Sun, 30 Jun 2019 01:00:59 +0000 In Animal Farm some animals were “more equal” than others.
In the oh so enlightened City of San Jose, LGBTQ citizens are now “more equal” than the rest of us schmoes.
You’re gay? You’re transgender? Ooh, we really want to hear what your concerns are. You’re NOT gay? You’re NOT transgender? You want to tell us your concerns? Get in line!

By: sjoutsidethebubble Fri, 28 Jun 2019 23:53:00 +0000 > Our city recently raised the rainbow and transgender flags over City Hall, a small yet important symbol of San Jose’s commitment to the LGBTQ community.

. . .

> Each color signifies an idea. Red symbolizes life. Orange represents healing. Yellow for sunlight. Green denotes nature. Blue for serenity. And purple for spirit.

I suspect that there are more “meanings” to the rainbow of colors than Pam Foley lets on:

Lord Nelson hoisted flags on his ships to send action messages to the officers and men of his fleet. What messages are the crew of City Hall supposed to get from their LGBTQ flags?
