Comments on: Equitable Access to Abortion Services is Not a Guarantee in San Jose, Despite ‘Haven’ of Options A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:34:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not Suckered Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:34:37 +0000 Leftist political corruption of academia, strikingly in law schools and some branches of medicine, especially public health, for example, can be worse than in government sometimes. None of this crazy viewing of Roe as holy is new.

Nor is viewing abortion with a militant entitlement as well as other related mentality, with its being surprising by now that hordes aren’t demanding it be “free” as well. Just wait until Medicare for All brings the real conflict plus other leftist baggage with it to the forefront.

By: CA Patriot Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:44:06 +0000 Michelle, No where does the article mention “Denying women the right to (an) abortion…”

Do you consider other advanced industrial nations to be a model for the US?

—- “How does US Abortion Law compare to those in European Countries?” (Oct2021) —-

“The US is 1 of only 7 nations in the world that permits elective abortion on demand after the 20th week of gestation.”

“In fact, fully 75% of ALL Nations do NOT Permit Abortion after 12 weeks gestation,
except (in some cases) to save the life and to preserve the physical health of the mother.”

Other limitations exist, like 2 doctor determination of risk to mother, pre-procedure counseling and a 3 day waiting period before the procedure can take place.

The US finds itself in the company of China, North Korea & Vietnam as some of the only countries that permit elective abortions after 20 weeks…

The Mississippi proposal to limit abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy is more accommodating than a Super Majority of the Civilized World.

By: not him Thu, 16 Dec 2021 17:53:34 +0000 Pathetic censorship!

I wrote a very true, fair response to Michelle here, and you deleted it.

Taking a life is not healthcare, no matter how many times you say that lie.

By: Michelle Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:42:43 +0000 Yeah, it’s a simple procedure and it’s healthcare. Healthcare is a human right. Keep your guilt, shame & Propaganda out of my womb.

By: not him Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:50:44 +0000 @Michelle

Abortion is a human right? wut?

Isn’t your child’s right to life a human right?

Nobody’s forcing women to get pregnant naw, abstinence is a real choice

Raising a child is the most important and satisfying thing you can do, it is a evolutionary and biological fact (ya know “follow the science”)

By: Michelle Sat, 11 Dec 2021 22:44:18 +0000 Abortion is HEALTHCARE & it is a human right. There is nothing wrong with having an abortion. Denying women the right to abortion is a dirty trick meant to keep women poor, helpless & exploitable. Wealthy women will ALWAYS have access to abortion.
It’s sad that women have been indoctrinated to feel guilt & shame around a simple health procedure. It’s even more sad that in a country without healthcare, where people have to work 3 jobs to survive, and during a climate/migration crises, unwanted children are being forced into this world.

By: Lonewolf Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:29:43 +0000 Equitable access to killing human life in the womb?? … Philistine-democrats are sick in the head.
/Lonewolf Liberties

By: Danoh Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:56:33 +0000 Sad that we have such low regard for Science and we are a Society that lives on myth and fear. The Science says that a Fetus is living, that it is not just a blob of tissue, and that it is uniquely human with all the DNA to build on. But instead of facing this Scientific FACT we listen to fear stories of backroom actions of a few people, that were very rare then and now! A woman has a right to determine her REPRODUCTIVE CHOICES but that choice was already made when she decided to engage in the act that could result in the making of a baby… are free to roll the dice but you need to accept the responsibility that goes with it….it’s called being an Adult

By: CA Patriot Thu, 09 Dec 2021 19:41:25 +0000 You would think Ms Oberman is directly channelling Margaret Sanger in her thoughts and quotes…

Sanger said “such a plan would … reduce the birthrate among the diseased, the sickly, the poverty stricken and anti-social classes,
elements unable to provide for themselves, and the burden of which we are all forced to carry.”

Oberman says…“The elephant in the room that we don’t talk about is how expensive it is to raise children in a country that actually is not interested in having you have children,” …
“we have to center poverty and class in every conversation about abortion going forward..”

By: not him Thu, 09 Dec 2021 18:09:51 +0000

Looks like Nelson’s got you covered, maybe he’ll cover the light rail ticket cost.

Mr Garza may finally get that light rail station he’s been fighting for thanks to Roe going away.
