Comments on: San Jose City Council Considers Updating P-Card Policies A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:00:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:00:40 +0000 Very few holders of Pcards ever need to spend in excess of $1000… make them justify having a Pcard limit in excess of $1k…

simply lowing the limits will greatly reduce abuse..

By: So So Interesting Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:03:25 +0000 Notice how they couple liccardo and reed, now? liccardo and reed this, liccardo and reed that. As far as transparency, this administration has been some of the worse “coverts” and now, since liccardo is “trying” to become mayor, all of a sudden they try playing at wanting transparency. The funny thing about all of this is that it is so obvious that the things they now do are in trying to get liccardo an edge to becoming mayor. Sorry, sam. Won’t work. You couldn’t run your messed up district and you certainly can’t run the city.

I got a political piece in the mail, today and it was from liccardo’s camp. It said something to the affect that Cortese would take us back in time. My first thought was, “Maybe that would be a good thing.” Go back in time to when things were happier in this city; when times were better. Citizens happier, employees loving their jobs, again. Yes, going back in time, prior to the last 8 years, would be a good thing. liccardo seems to keep trying to make it look as if Cortese will be taking us back to hardship but I don’t believe that for a minute. What Cortese will do is to do what the current administration DIDN’T do and that is to work WITH the employees and not AGAINST them. Reform is needed and we all know that. I do not think for one moment that he will change any of that. What I do believe is that he will work to correct all of the mess that liccardo, reed and the rest of the clowns created. He will bring back the trust, all while working with the employees to ensure that a FAIR reform happens. So, sam, you go right ahead and spread the lies and try to make him look bad. You’ve looked bad for the last 8 years. Cortese will be our next mayor and our city will then get back on track. The citizens will appreciate the refreshing environment instead of the hostile environment you, reed and the rest of the clown council have created. People will be able to breathe again.

By: retired Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:12:23 +0000 “In a proposal up for consideration at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Chuck Reed and Councilman Sam Liccardo say posting transaction data online would “increase transparency and encourage compliance with city policies.”

Are you kidding me! These two are the worst at “Transparency”, they should post “we are the two biggest clowns this city has every seen when it comes to lying”. Of course there a lot of close seconds but thank goodness they are termed out.

What a joke.

By: Disgusted Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:36:05 +0000 Why didn’t they do this when Mayor Reed got caught doing this ??

By: So So Interesting Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:20:08 +0000 A sister city affiliation and you can’t even entertain them with a glass of wine, each, at dinner? How embarrassing for the host. Maybe he should have stood up and told everyone, “I’m using a P-card and the City won’t allow me to purchase a glass of wine for you with your meal.: How embarrassing. Do you think they would have treated CSJ the same way? I don’t think there was anything wrong with it and I am a taxpayer. One glass of wine-fine. More than that would be a no-no.

By: JohnMichael O'Connor Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:00:31 +0000 As stated in SJ’s website, “A sister city affiliation is an official, long-term relationship between two cities or communities in two nations. Sister City affiliations are recognized by Sister Cities International, the nonprofit organization that sanctions affiliations between U.S. and international cities.” The sister city relationship provides wonderful opportunities for junkets, such as Tom McEnery and friends to Dublin, and vice versa for the Dublin crowd. However, although “official”, the relationship remains a mostly private endeavor. Therefore any taxpayer funding for the junkets is immediately suspect. Further, p-card rules forbid payment for alcoholic beverages. Just ask George.

On the other hand, a $55.00 bottle of wine at Paolo’s probably sells for around $25.00 retail and probably isn’t anything to write home about. And a dozen bottles for 28 folks is only about 1.8 6-oz. glasses apiece. All in all, $2,300 for 28 guests at Paolo’s ain’t a bad deal at all. Too bad Mr. Hedges didn’t seek some private funding for this hospitality from those who pushed for whatever sister city relationship this dinner was given.
