Comments on: California Legislators, Critics Assail Newsom Administration for Lax Oversight of Nursing Homes A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 11 Oct 2021 19:29:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Cortese Mon, 11 Oct 2021 19:29:19 +0000 Dodged a bullet for my grandma here.

In 2015 my uncle decided it was time to put my grandma in a home, sell her house, and take over the trust and estate assets. It would have been the first time anyone in the Cortese family was condemned to such a fate, we normally honor our forefathers and foremothers by letting them quietly spend their days in their home until they pass from the grips of dementia.

Thing is, grandma wasn’t exactly as far gone as Joe Biden is now (6 years later it’s a different story)

The thought of my grandmother losing all of her dignity, all of her privacy in one of these places did not appeal to me. I’ve had several friends and relatives that have gone to these places, I even worked at one (one of the better ones) but I knew there is little to no oversight. When COVID hit, we saw it tear through the convelescent wards like a raging inferno, taking out people peepapa’s and memama’s on a conveyor belt of death.

Still, he was not deterred.

What finally deterred him was several very expensive losses in court, and his brother finally stepping up and writing a letter to the court, outlining that my uncles entire motivation for this was the trust was short in assets, likely squirreled away by my uncle, and selling grandma’s house would be a way of truing up the books.

While normally I don’t have much faith in government, let alone courts, the family courts of Santa Clara county restored some of my faith. They made the just ruling. My grandmother gets to spend the rest of her life with 1 on 1 care 24×7, instead of understaffed 1 on 20 as the article is alluding to.

If you can ever avoid having family go to one of these places, please do. The people that raised you deserve much better.

By: CA Patriot Thu, 07 Oct 2021 18:41:22 +0000 Another liberal Gov going for the ‘Coumo’ award?
“Big Government” corruption – CA Style.. the failure of One Party rule.
“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication,
somehow think that we Can Afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication AND
a GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACY to administer it.”

― Thomas Sowell, Knowledge And Decisions

By: not him Thu, 07 Oct 2021 18:06:37 +0000 and you want Newsom to be your landlord


