Comments on: Rain is Good News, but Doesn’t Change California’s Dire Drought Outlook A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 31 Dec 2021 04:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Fri, 31 Dec 2021 04:17:43 +0000 Clearly your a left leaning fear monger. Aquifers are filled holding areas are replenished. The snow pack has a huge affect. Put your 3 masks on and try to lighten up a bit. Doesn’t change anything? Didn’t Al Gore say we would be under water by now? Drought will be over but our water will still go up in price. Amazing Israel has no water shortage but we do. If our governor would have focused on desalination plants instead of paying out checks to people we wouldn’t be talking about this. Missed that part in your article.

By: Not Suckered Fri, 31 Dec 2021 03:26:35 +0000 Don’t forget the basics.

Raising Shasta is still the most straightforward and likely cost-effective action.

Any interest in raising Shasta Dam or boosting supply elsewhere, such as at Sites, raises interest to the south in building the Delta bypass, formerly a canal proposal, more recently one or two tunnels. The wiser environmentalist critics know what can be done then, if needed or wanted, and if water to the south dries up, of course it will be wanted. (The North Coast rivers await their huge water content being transferred.)

(“Our June 12 and June 19 cover stories, “Tunnel Vision: Part One Delta in Peril” and “Tunnel Vision: Part Two Rivers in Peril,” misstated the length of Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed water tunnels. They are currently proposed to be 35 miles long — not 39 miles. The length we reported came from an earlier proposal of the water tunnels that has since been changed by the Brown administration.”)

Expect things to change if the state gets more desperate.

By: J Sebastian Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:50:30 +0000 The headline is a lie. It falsely implies that despite massive rains, which replenish aquifers, fill reservoirs, and add to the Sierra snowpack, there is not any improvement in the SUPPLY of water. The article does not once mention water supply, and spends 4 pages ranting about the weather and infrastructure, waste treatment, basically nothing that has anything to do with actual gallons of water available for use.

And btw, nobody should be conserving so our govt can cram a bunch of Third Worlders in here to live with us – who in the hell do they think they are? Demanding WE conserve and then packing the place with a bunch of people nobody asked for or needs. The nerve. That should be a capital offense.

By: M.T. GUNN Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:54:53 +0000 Erica Lee,
This sounds like the first article you wrote after you left the High School paper. If you’re really afraid of all this stuff move to New York!

By: Not Suckered Thu, 30 Dec 2021 19:53:53 +0000 DEMSLIE: Sea level rise these days is a particularly striking example of the climate movement being nearly all politics, next to no actual science. (The consequences of warming from changing the Earth’s atmosphere to put more greenhouse gases into it were known by the 1970s and start of the 1980s.)

If there is a significant rise that affects people, they will respond accordingly. The end.

There is no “crisis” (acute, short-term situation), no “emergency,” no “apocalypse,” etc, ad nauseum.

Yes, rainfall brings relief from drought, obviously. A smart critical response would have been that a longer, slower rain would have been nicer than an intense storm with a lot of runoff, instead.

By the way, anything and everything associated in any way with heat or energy in the atmosphere, such as storms, isn’t necessarily due to global warming at all, of course. It’s more politics, not science. (Even academicians and scientists are infected by liberal politics, have been for ages, and with government interested, it pays them better to be so, too.) Meanwhile, for example, cleaner air, especially in metro areas, can lead to warming; is that acceptable, or is it heresy?

By: Not Suckered Thu, 30 Dec 2021 02:34:32 +0000 DAVID KERNER: No, they believe they are sophisticated, and the Climate religious-cultist types are so convinced, they’re fervent about it even when nobody lays waste to their frequent nonsense about it.

By: Not Suckered Wed, 29 Dec 2021 17:14:06 +0000 JOE SMITH: Yes, it’s the one you were thinking about.

The major concern of normal people with any future climate change, which will occur over multiple decades and generations of residents, will be that the already-arid West will become more arid as the winter season becomes shorter and drier, and more variable (less reliable), plus warmer (more rain, less snow). This results in more, worse droughts and concerns about water supply, already a concern because of the population growth in the West that’s still to come (and shifting of people from high-cost coastal areas inland, where it is drier, that we already have begun to observe).

Dams are politically incorrect though: new dams, raising Shasta Dam, maintaining existing dams. There is even a movement for dam removal, including Hetch Hetchy even now.

Nuclear power is the easiest way to get power to desalinate sea water and pump it uphill and inland, but nuclear power is also politically incorrect. San Onofre joined another plant closed down already, and Diablo Canyon is set to close. Compare what these plants could do versus Carlsbad’s existing facility for desalinization. (If it were much more successful, that, too, would be politically incorrect.)

By: DemsLie Wed, 29 Dec 2021 03:39:48 +0000 Show me proof the sea levels are rising… More fake news out of the media as usual.

The DEMOCRATS have destroyed this state and have Mia managed the water situation.

Gov Hairdoo ordered a bunch of
Reservoirs to be empty s few years ago.

By: Calvin Dryden Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:58:29 +0000 I hate Democrats they are so negative, chicken little the sky is falling

By: Rocky Balboa Wed, 29 Dec 2021 00:55:37 +0000 Just get the Vaccine and the drought will end! Come on man!
