Comments on: Woman and Boy Stabbed to Death in San Jose Apartment A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 13 Aug 2023 23:48:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Find Lisa Sun, 13 Aug 2023 23:48:36 +0000 I ask that the SJ Insider take a deeper look at this story. Former Mayor Tom McEnery has the experience to see that justice is done for this 6-year-old boy and 71-year-old woman who cared for him. Mayor McEnery led San Jose at time when SJ Police felt a greater responsibility to communicate with the public. I’m not asking for vigilantism as in McEnery’s production of Swift Justice, but it is sensible for police to work in a way the keeps the community safe, where community and police operate in tandem to counteract growing problems, like illegal drugs and violence. I ask Major McEnery and the SJ Insider to dig deeper on this story of drugs, crime, young parenthood, transferred responsibilities, recognized dangers, and violent, bloody, senseless death. People in San Jose don’t need to live like this. The SJ Inside can share the truth of what happened here, and how to stop it from happening again.
