Comments on: CSU Reports $1.5B Budget Shortfall, Considers Tuition Hike as Teachers, Staff Demand Big Raises A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 30 May 2023 23:34:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Financial Common Sense Isn't Common Tue, 30 May 2023 23:34:05 +0000 Fewer customers = less revenue.
The customers that are leaving are your “best” (those that pay 100% of tuition) customers.
The CSU solution is to charge their best customers more and re-distribute ever smaller revenue from those customers to those customers who cannot afford your product (college education) in the first place.
Not mentioned once in this article is alternatives to 4 years at a CSU, like communioty college and then transfer, or, heaven forbid, trade school (HINT: There is a MASSIVE shortage of skilled tradespeople in the USA) – see

By: soundos Tue, 30 May 2023 13:25:26 +0000 thank you for providing such a wonderfull article
