Comments on: Eviction Moratorium: Capitol Mum as Renters Seek More Time A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 07 May 2021 21:45:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Fri, 07 May 2021 21:45:07 +0000 you can google whatever you like, you are clueless, you own nothing, and you dont know how cash flows on rentals work, what is the appropriate LTV levels to maximize valuation while minimizing taxable events

you think in terms of how you can game pandemic to not pay rent and think valuations are based on labor inputs

you are utterly clueless and it is best for you to not take any risks because you are so wrong

By: HB Thu, 06 May 2021 15:26:55 +0000 Time to end the lockdowns, open the businesses and end ALL moratoria on rents. Let the landlords and tenants work out their contractual issues.

By: SJ Kulak Wed, 05 May 2021 11:54:55 +0000 baaaaahahaha

you are so clueless it degrades me to even try to educate you.

By: Definitely Not SJ Kulak Wed, 05 May 2021 02:23:09 +0000 You know nothing. Have you even done one cash out refi on a multifamily? Of course not.

Inflation is a given – there is no going back now on MMT and owing is the only smart money in an inflationary environment. Cash is dumb. Lending is dumbest.

Guess what? Your landlord is going to make a ton off that $100K unit you’re freeloading in. He’ll just cash-out refi at $600K a door (11 units or 12, I forget – times $250K in new debt/door – 2.75M) and then again at $800K a door (another $2M) and buy up houses for cash – maybe at $300K a house, say 16 houses. He’ll be collecting rent on 28 units then. And you or your replacement will service the debt for him, probably with the first 12-14 days of the month worth of take home off your labor. Of course by then, those houses will be worth $450K. And do it all over again and pay zero in cap gains and be one step ahead of inflation. Of course the cash you have in the bank makes it all possible with fractional reserves lending and your rent, that helps too.

Double chumpinsky.

By: Definitely Not SJ Kulak Wed, 05 May 2021 00:55:53 +0000 Euthanasia of big landlords

c’mon naw that’s a bit much

the funny thing is the progressive initiative of eliminating $500K+ 1031 exchanges in combination with an raising LT cap gain rates will only push permanent capital into rural and working class suburbs while forcing investors to hold onto high value assets that have high accumulated cap gains will only push all prices higher and take more opportunity away from the middle class. Cash-out refi will be the new sell, and the rich will clean up more on being the first mover on inflation, borrowing good dollars to be paid back with worthless ones.

punishing success never works, spreading opportunity does

you want to hurt LLs, build build build until all the homes take a 50% haircut

but your TOD bots, enviro-zealots, and displacement activists won’t have it, so your future looks like higher rent, chump

By: Facendo Guaio Wed, 05 May 2021 00:00:11 +0000 When do we foreclose on the landlords who have leached working people”s meager resources since forever? Remember, the landlord lobby is also responsible for Propsition 13 which has been a fiscal and social plague on this state for more than 40 years. (Democrats have made Proposition 13 their very own free pass, their number one excuse for feigned super-majority trifecta political and legislative incapacity and impotence.)

Euthanasia of big landlords through buyouts and eminent domain is the way forward. Transform slumlord property into public, low cost housing for working people.

Euthanasia for establishment Democrats–who are big landlords’ ultimate insurance policy–is also on the agenda. The Bern may be gone, but the “afterbern” lingers on. Let’s take them on and take them down.

By: Joe Smith Tue, 04 May 2021 04:27:43 +0000 “Now, with two months left before that extension itself expires on June 30, there is no proposed legislation on giving renters more time before the moratorium ends, and lawmakers expressed uncertainty that there would be.”

A qualified recall effort does just that. The last thing Gavin wants is more money pouring in to the recall campaign and the people who will be running to replace him once he’s recalled.

Sorry everyone, but time to go back to work. Silver lining is there are plenty of jobs out there for those who want them.

By: Definitely Not SJ Kulak Mon, 03 May 2021 17:04:33 +0000 should have never left this up to landlord

low down dirty trick by Newsom

but time to move on, rent has to be paid

if you owe rent, you’ve had more than enough time to make accommodations

not everyone can live in the most expensive place in the US
