Comments on: California Attorney General Accuses Amazon of Defying Pandemic Safety Investigation A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 17 Dec 2020 02:49:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Thu, 17 Dec 2020 02:49:10 +0000 nothing and I mean nothing is going to happen to any of these big tech companies

whining for it is as useless as arguing with carrot

Biden, and even more so Harris, are totally beholden to these companies.

They totally own Harris, I really can’t believe these rags spiked that.

And you made it happen!


By: Truth and Consequences Tue, 15 Dec 2020 19:10:58 +0000 The AG should also be looking into Facebook’s operations with Accenture as they are practicing the same shady tactics Amazon uses on it’s employees.

How is banks only allowed to have 1 person and 1 teller in the building but hundreds of Amazon and Accenture workers working in the same building using same toilets, breathing same air? Numbers going up and they force people into the office at Accenture or you lose your job? What kind of logic is that. Same with Amazon I am hearing.

Businesses are dying but these corporate monsters (Facebook & Amazon) take advantage of human labor. Guess they consider us collateral damage.

This also proves the classism and caste system both these companies operate under. The FTE employees and non-contract workers that are not laborers or moderators are working from home yet the others can’t work from home either?

Investigate these corporate giants that seem to treat workers as cattle rather than people.

Not to mention they force workers to work on the holidays and intimidate anyone who feels uncomfortable and needs time away.
