Comments on: Rosemary Kamei Announces Candidacy for District 1, San Jose City Council A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 08 Jan 2022 04:01:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: not him Sat, 08 Jan 2022 04:01:14 +0000 lifer politicians give you the same as you have right now

crazy high rents

$2000/sqft “affordable” housing development

low pay

bad roads and highest in the nation gas tax

10%ish sales tax

open space as far as the eye can see while poor people double up in the oldest, moldiest, most chaotic apartment farms in the state in underfunded school districts even though they are in the “Capital of Silicon Valley”

$2M starter homes

racially unequal educational outcomes that shock the conscience in the heart of the most progressive part of the most progressive state in the US

transit-adjacent development that evicts independent retailers and then pays “consultants” with the payouts negotiated to help them start over

outrageously expensive and useless transit

Government funded NGO CEO $500K salaries

20 People in the housing department tracking 5% rent increases and 10000 Just Cause Evictions a year, being paid by tenants via fees collected by landlords

kids “learning” in front of screens and not seeing other kids smiles for over two years

stifling regulation and mandates on mom and pops businesses

killer bike lanes

evaporating if not completely eliminated middle class

but by all means, keep doing you Bay Area and vote for the same people that lead you down this hole…

sad, but this is what you vote for, this is what you deserve…
