Comments on: Cindy’s in. Unless she isn’t. A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 02 Jul 2022 19:51:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: juanam Sat, 02 Jul 2022 19:51:02 +0000 A meeting for “Asian-American and Pacific Islander” political interests.
Identity politics is the root of the current rot in our society.
Do AAPI have a political interest that is different from the rest of us?
Keep pushing this and the whites will decide they have their own separate interests too.

The only constituency that should be coddled are those taxpayers that pay more than they take. None of this should be racial.
By far the most successful highly multi-racial society is Singapore. Their iconic prime minister for 4 decades is Lee Kwan Yew. He brought success to Singapore by crafting a national identity and patriotism that transcended race. Singapore is currently the happiest country on earth and is in the top 3 for standard of living. In the words of Lee Kwan Yew:
“The easiest way to get majority vote is a vote for me, we’re Chinese, they’re Indians, they’re Malays. Our society will be ripped apart,”
I wonder if we are intelligent enough to listen to leaders that have actually been successful at this?

By: Eileen Parker Tue, 23 Nov 2021 06:35:38 +0000 Reed was the beginning of the deteriorating city of San Jose!!! He fired all the mounted police who kept crime down in the downtown area and kept homeless out of the children’s park!!! The horses were paid for so the city was just paying the salaries for the mounted police whose presence is dearly missed!!! Things have gotten worse and worse for citizens who actually own property and pay taxes to live in the downtown area!!! We need to be very careful who we elect!!! Sam Liccardo hasn’t done anything to stand up for
Homeowners downtown. Each year there is more trash, more break-ins, more thefts and no regard for keeping the homeless out of our parks. The only thing the city has organized is the parking police!!!! We have to go online and change the guest profiles. We are allowed only two guest passes and these passes are only online. It is up to each homeowner to go onto the computer and change the parking pass information and we are not being given card board hangers any longer. My gardener comes on Tuesdays and I have paid the permit fee for his vehicle for all Tuesdays. What happens if I need a plumber while the gardener is here???
No one seems to be able to help and I am supposed to change the user of the permit on line myself whether I am out of town or not so
we can no longer get hangers for the people parked in our neighborhoods!!! Only online permits!!!! There are many residents who do not use computers so those people apparently have to go to city hall to the eighth floor in order to get the necessary permits for workers in our neighborhoods. Again there are no physical hangers and we’ll have to hope our temporary workers don’t get fined for parking in our neighborhoods.

Of course the city has no plans to put in speed limit signs or stop signs in problem areas.

I have been out of town and if any policies are being changed and improved, I apologize in advance that I am not aware of revisions to the existing instructions.

By: Joe Smith Mon, 16 Aug 2021 02:25:49 +0000 A female version of Gavin Newsom. That’s just what we need.

By: HB Sat, 17 Jul 2021 12:20:13 +0000 Welcome to single-party-politics. All grifters, all the time.

By: Hugh Biquitous Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:34:29 +0000 San Jose would be greatly improved with new leaders, new ideas. we’ve had nothing but a revolving door of the same people simply changing hats.

By: The Engineer Fri, 16 Jul 2021 02:32:10 +0000 Not one person of the Democratic Party would have been out of the room for ANY reason when Cindy Chavez was speaking. Not one. She is that revered by local democratic politicians who believe in giving away money to everyone but those that actually pay the bills.

Evan Low, Otto Lee, and Rosemary Kamei all lied to The Fly, when they said they were out of the room. Either that or they disrespect her that much.

If she runs and wins, she will give away the house and ignore taxpayers, and avoid accountability, much as she currently does at the County.

By: Greg Thu, 15 Jul 2021 20:37:59 +0000 I copy Virgil, ABC.

By: Virgil Starkwell Thu, 15 Jul 2021 20:27:35 +0000 ABC=anyone but Cindy

By: WillowGlenNative Thu, 15 Jul 2021 20:26:37 +0000 The queen ? of the homeless epidemic. If she ever becomes mayor she will ensure that San Jose becomes like Detroit and the flight of the hard workers and producers will only increase. The destruction of San Jose under Democrat rule continues.

By: hardtobeamoderate Thu, 15 Jul 2021 19:21:57 +0000 Do these people ever get a real job instead of feeding off public money
