Comments on: San Jose Councilor’s Mayoral Campaign ‘IOU’ Questioned A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 08 Jun 2021 19:11:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ted J. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 19:11:45 +0000 Gaming the system is not the sort of leadership SJ needs. Transparency is key moving ahead.

By: Phu Tan Elli Mon, 07 Jun 2021 18:39:59 +0000 Mr. Peralez provides another example of his lowbrow reasoning ability. After justifying his actions by alleging traditional modes of financing disadvantage “candidates who don’t come from wealth or means,” the dimwit goes on to explain how he ran his “IOU” funding scheme by his legal counsel and campaign consultant, thereby outing himself as a candidate possessing ample means (to skirt the rules) and considerable credit.
