Comments on: Temporary Housing is a ‘Downpayment’ on Homelessness Goals, San Jose Officials Say A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 17 Aug 2020 18:28:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rocky Balboa Mon, 17 Aug 2020 18:28:06 +0000 Ah yes, the SJ of past, before Liccardo’s parents shipped their village idiot son to SJ.

By: hoapres Sun, 16 Aug 2020 16:54:46 +0000 I could solve the homeless problem almost overnight but you might not like the solution.

By: hoapres Sun, 16 Aug 2020 04:13:09 +0000 Real Problems

No Solutions

Democratic Run Cities


No Problems

Real Solutions

Republican run cities

By: SJOutsideTheBubble Sat, 15 Aug 2020 05:07:26 +0000 > I forgot to mention one last thing, and that’s the real estate lobby injecting the language of “housing shortage” into the lexicon of pavlovian motivater do gooders . . . .

In an “efficient market”, there are no “shortages”. Prices rise until there are no more buyers. The numbers of buyers and sellers is equal and in balance.

When economic morons with the power to dump pallets of money from helicopters into the housing market try to solve housing problems, the result is extreme, insatiable demand.

That’s what happens when people who CAN’T AFFORD housing in a balance market place are GIVEN gobs of miracle money to buy anything THE GOVERNMENT can afford, which is just about everything.

By: John Galt Sat, 15 Aug 2020 01:02:22 +0000 Just who ARE these saints and miracle workers whom the City will employ to rehabilitate, train, and transform the lives and fortunes of the thousands of homeless here in San Jose?
I think the mayor is delusional to think that local government has the wherewithal to accomplish anything other than wasting attention, money and resources that should be directed to other areas.
San Jose could be a beautiful model city if our government paid as much attention to boring, mundane things such as trash cleanup, weed abatement, road maintenance, park maintenance, and infrastructure construction as it does sticking it’s nose in where it has no business such as “social justice ” and “affordable housing “.
The rising tide would lift all boats including those of the homeless and “underserved”.

By: Robert Cortese Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:51:59 +0000 > A good synopsis, RC.

Thanks SJO.

I forgot to mention one last thing, and that’s the real estate lobby injecting the language of “housing shortage” into the lexicon of pavlovian motivater do gooders searching for their next dose of dopamine through Facebook and Instagram likes.

By: SJOutsideTheBubble Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:04:01 +0000 > A good synopsis, RC.

I think every :”conservative” and “libertarian” knows the story inside out.

The dirty little secret is that “progressives” and “liberals” ALSO know the essential facts.”

Conservatives/libertarians think its a humanitarian and economic scandal.

Progressives/liberals/wokesters think that the “narrative” of homelessness and the “uncaringness” of Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Christians could hurt Trump, so it’s a good thing to let the problem fester.

By: Robert Cortese Fri, 14 Aug 2020 23:31:00 +0000 This is a very good video on the homeless situation in SF, SJ is not much different. It’s called, “Chaos by the bay:The truth about homelessness in San Francisco ”

One of the things that stuck out to me in this video is 50% of the homeless in SF are not from the area, and they get 450 new arrivals every year. How are they getting here?

Vice, which is a fairly left leaning publication wrote this back in February this year. “Instead of Helping Homeless People, Cities Are Bussing Them Out of Town”

The sad truth of the matter is, at least 50% of the homeless were bussed in here by other cities, counties and states that no longer wanted to deal with these people. I would guess it’s closer to 80%.

I understand why this is happening, the Salvation Army’s highest paid executive makes $700k@year. There’s a new breed of cattle herding out here in the wild west, and it’s the homeless. The more homeless we have, the more these charity CEO’s make.

I think the most humane thing to do would be to find out where these folks were bussed in from, and give them a return ticket. Also sue the sender for any costs associated with dealing with them while they were here. Did they go to VMC? Send them a bill. Did the cops have to answer a call? Send them a bill. Did we have to hire trucks, dumpsters and a cleanup crew? Send them a bill. Did their family fail to take care of their own? Send them a bill. Do this enough times and these other places will get the idea that we’re not going to let them dump their problems on us. We should be suing the hell out of Nevada and Texas right now.

I’m just going to wrap this up by saying, it’s not *just* the charity CEO’s making bank off this. Bill Marr, again, a very left leaning political commentator and comedian points out how consultants and construction companies rake in the dough as well in a bit he calls “Scamerica”

By: Work90 Fri, 14 Aug 2020 23:02:32 +0000 Well said O’Connor

By: SJ Kulak Fri, 14 Aug 2020 19:34:25 +0000 more welfare for the rich

jobs programs for the woke-child spawn of tech boomers

that Harker/UC tuition got to be used for sump-em
