Comments on: Khamis Has Strong Early Support in New Supervisor District 1 A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:11:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: time to be honest Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:11:40 +0000 Khamis was a breath of fresh air on the San Jose City Council – and would be the same as a Supervisor. We need more moderate/conservative leadership in the Bay Area/CA.

By: Doug Douglas Tue, 08 Feb 2022 23:26:20 +0000 Is this the guy who said he had a private email server in his home similar to Hillary’s? Roll the tape of him at the San Jose Police and Fire Board meeting to get the full sound bytes.

By: Econoclast Fri, 04 Feb 2022 03:57:00 +0000 Part II: More Than Two Can Play This Game

The libertarian bots are beside themselves, head over heals in love with Johnny Khamis. That alone should be the kiss of death for the County Supervisor District 1 contender. Note how they have skipped over the second choice of the Power Poll crowd–Claudia Rossi–and juxtaposed Sylvia Arenas with Khamis. Econoclast strongly suggests readers take a closer look at Rossi, a candidate steeped in the fields of health and education–both of which are core County responsibilities–and grounded in community-level work for decades (;

By: My_Opinion Thu, 03 Feb 2022 21:13:51 +0000 We watched Johnny Khamis for 5 years fight hard for all San Jose residents by consistently saying, “NO NEW TAXES!!” during Council meetings. We have watched Arenas call anyone and everyone, including Khamis, a “racist” if they don’t agree with her on almost everything. She seems to be toning it down a bit as the election process continues.

We have every intention of voting for Khamis because of what we have watched what he has done and tried to do for ALL of San Joseans.

By: Econoclast Thu, 03 Feb 2022 05:18:22 +0000 Part I: Birds of Feather

As noted in an earlier comment, the people included in the Power Poll are almost exclusively drawn from elites in the local economic hierarchy, a propertied and privileged minority ( High net-worth people almost exclusively socialize with each other, live in the same zip codes, send their children to the same private schools and flock together in the same luxury consumption and leisure venues. They don’t want government at any level that threatens the lopsided concentration of economic, social and political power that they wield vis-a-vis the vast majority.

As a servant of an insufferable status quo, Johnny Khamis is as good–or as disastrous–as the next neoliberal politician maneuvering to heap favors on the wealthy at public expense while blabbing about fiscal responsibility. For some details on Mr. Khamis’ San Jose City Council record in the past few years, and on his current gig shilling for realtors, see:;;;

By: Thereliableinformer Wed, 02 Feb 2022 19:37:01 +0000 Khamis LOLLLLLLLL

By: not him Wed, 02 Feb 2022 02:30:17 +0000 Karl Marx would laugh at these clowns.

By: HB Wed, 02 Feb 2022 01:21:09 +0000 Agreed, can you image dealing on a daily basis with Samitian, Otto, Chavez and Ellenberg? Virtue signaling on everything from “birthing people” to “the more people we let out of jail, the lower the crime rate will go.” ?. I couldn’t do it — best of luck to Johnny. He is going to need it.

If he sticks to any of his conservative principles and voices them, they will go after him just like they go after Sheriff Smith. I hope that he derides them when they behave like silly wankers. While they have no shame and cannot be embarrassed by their idiocy, they should be publically mocked at every oportunity. They are not serious people. They are not serious about solving problems. They are only serious about getting elected to higher office and pushing the same old tired Marxist rhetoric.

By: Joe Smith Tue, 01 Feb 2022 06:53:59 +0000 For sure Johnny Khamis is the most capable and deserving of being elected. The question is can he serve in that position without his head exploding every day from all the absurd ideas and policies proposed and approved by everyone else?

By: HB Tue, 01 Feb 2022 05:54:53 +0000 So, Johnny Khamis changed his party affiliation from Rep to “none” to protest Trump’s separation of families policies — the same policies of the Obama/Biden Administration. Sounds like a true conservative ? — really rock-ribbed.

Unfortunately, there is really no other option if you want to see even a small shift in the makeup of the Board of Supervisors.
