Comments on: Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor’s FPPC Docs Missing Thousands in Income A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 07 Nov 2022 19:02:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: SCMale Mon, 07 Nov 2022 19:02:46 +0000 It’s a well known fact Lisa lies or has others lie for her. No news here. The family has been doing it for years. Her own father was no example to the city, apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

City bullies that use people to get what they want. Unfortunately Lisa took on someone with more money.

Good Luck to Mr Jed York, Bring home the gold. Make sure we don’t have a Gillmor in power ever again pls.

By: Nancy Wed, 24 Aug 2022 04:44:56 +0000 Allen Arthur makes some excellent points. I’m a native Santa Claran. I find it interesting how much the San Jose media is backing pro-Jed folks campaign talking points, some under investigation themselves. Yet you fail to report about their investigations. They are all part of the gang that Jed York & his agents spent $3M in 2020 to elect to our Council. No doubt a similar, or more, will be spent on 2 Council seats & the Mayor’s race this year. While SJ media may not know this, many Santa Clarans remember York saying he could get what he wanted (after the stadium was built) because he had the money.
Please do not expect me to believe York & gang won’t expect a “return on investment.” That’s insulting.
I’m beginning to wonder how much financial assistance York & his agents are spending in San Jose and on the San Jose media.
I suppose they consider those extreme sums of money a ‘cost of doing business.’ It seems to be working. Please be a responsible journalist. You are not doing so now. There are two sides to every “story.”

By: SJ Kulak Mon, 22 Aug 2022 14:19:31 +0000 the article and Ms. Gilmor’s response are too filled with facts to be interesting – yawn tldr

what we need is more Ms. Arenas beating the racism narrative

By: HOWARD A SANTA CLARA RESIDENT Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:40:08 +0000 I’m not usually into “politics”, but it seems like this “article” is being “published” to be “cited” on campaign mailers in a few months. I wouldn’t be surprised to see campaign mailers from a 49er’s-backed pro-Becker PAC in a couple months!

By: Pissed off in District 6 Tue, 16 Aug 2022 04:51:15 +0000 Some very strong comments against your hack journalism. Becker can’t win on the issues so he will rely on an attempt to smear the current Mayor. If you want to report actual facts, maybe you should take a look at how the “49er five” have continually voted to benefit the 49ers and Jed York much to the detriment of Santa Clara. If you are truly a journalist you’d look at that. But I’m guessing you won’t because it doesn’t fit the narrative Jed has paid you to create.

By: Allen Arthur Mon, 15 Aug 2022 21:36:14 +0000 This reads more like a lengthy press release of a political opponent’s campaign than as an article of journalism.

When you try to depict the $33 thousand PPP loan as if it’s some kind of smoking gun for dishonesty, your own honesty comes under question. Especially since you seem to be making the argument that it’s problematic mostly due to the question of whether the company was new or with a long history. That’s irrelevant, $33K is a tiny amount in the context of PPP loans, and you do not apparently have any idea whether or not Gillmor and Associates lost revenue and profit during the pandemic.

You state: “During the period of the pandemic loan, Gillmor and Associates appeared to have a steady stream of business, unaffected by the Covid pandemic.”

Based on what did you make that conclusion? It is apparently just a product of your uninformed judgment, because there is zero explanation or substantiation for that assertion.

You seem to also be underinformed about what reporting obligations Gillmor has, specifically with regard to income thresholds and how that relates to her holdings being owned in partnership with others. You do not seem to have done the research or reporting necessary to make a judgment, much less allegations, regarding what Gillmor should report on her disclosure forms.

And pretending as if it’s reasonable to require an official response within 3 hours of inviting one, comes across as disingenuous.

You seem to have been in an unnecessary rush to publish your unsubstantiated, underinformed, and unexplained insinuations and allegations.

You seem to have the very clear intention of raising questions as to Gillmor’s basic level of honesty and integrity. The manner in which you have done this raises questions about your own honesty and integrity.

By: HOWARD A SANTA CLARA RESIDENT Mon, 15 Aug 2022 04:42:32 +0000 @Jean – a lot of businesses received PPP funds. I have relatives that also applied and received funds. I’m not sure what your point is. A responsible small business owner would apply if they qualify, just as a city (with council direction) should apply for federal program funds if it qualifies to supplement it’s budget. To me this is actually a plus that her company, a local entity, did apply, qualify, and receive the funds. I also don’t think, amongst the billions of dollars handed out by the feds, $33K in funds going to her business meant that another business was short-changed.

By: Howard a Santa Clara Resident Mon, 15 Aug 2022 04:35:48 +0000 As a Santa Clara voter, I’d like to see reporting about what the candidates think of the ISSUES facing the city and how that correlates to their previous voting records. Development issues, budgets, quality of life, etc. Articles like this incomplete look at a Form 700 do nothing to address the real issues.

For what it’s worth, I looked up a couple years of Form 700’s on the City Clerk’s website – it seems to be in order, and of course the business has other partners and expenses, so it is logical that the mayor’s income as president of the company is going to be less than what the Union School District paid to the entire company.

I am not convinced that Mr Becker has the depth of experience needed to lead the city after only a little over a year on the council. My belief is that most Santa Clara residents are happy with the current Mayor and the direction of the city, minus the outsize influence of the 49ers. I don’t see how the current Mayor having a successful business, which this article actually highlights, should change that view, especially since Santa Clara’s mayor is practically unpaid volunteer work (vs cities like San Jose where it is a six-figure job). It seems like we will have a choice of a successful business person with longtime roots in the city as mayor vs someone who is in a filmaker/content moderator and relatively inexperienced. I hope my neighbors take this into consideration.

By: A Voter Mon, 15 Aug 2022 00:25:33 +0000 A real estate magnate and Mayor is a conflict of interest. Full stop.

By: The Dude Sun, 14 Aug 2022 18:59:33 +0000 Santa Clara City Council member Kevin Park failed to disclose his income for two years as required by state law. If you are going to do an article on one santa clara elected official’s FPPC filings, might as well do them all.

Where’s the article on him?
