Comments on: California State Auditor Wants Tighter Oversight of How School Districts Spend Covid Aid A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:28:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alicia Patterson Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:28:13 +0000 I think the state auditor’s report is a good idea. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on schools and it is important that the funds are being used as intended. I know that the funds were made available to school districts in April and May and there was an urgency to spend money quickly to meet the immediate needs of students, families, and staff. However, it would be nice for the public to see how those funds were spent. It was hard for me to finish my dissertation during the lockdown days. Now, I am exploring to hire a proofreading service. I am not interested in doing this work on my own.

By: Time to be Honest Sun, 24 Oct 2021 04:17:40 +0000 They force kids to wear masks during indoor basketball games. It is the most ridiculous thing to witness, as little kids pull the masks away from their mouth and nose to attempt to breathe while performing high intensity workouts (springing back and forth – jumping, etc.). Clearly, they struggle to breathe and it looks so uncomfortable. Yet, coaches and refs pull the masks down while forcing kids to pull them up due to “county orders.” Confusing and an example of how these mandates cause harm while not having any impact (where is the study showing that vaccinated kids wearing a mask while sprinting reduces COVID transmission in a County that hardly has any COVID transmission?).

Districts are spending a ton of resources and energy on enforcing ridiculous mandates in a County that is highly vaccinated with a rolling 7-day average of ONE COVID death in a County of 2-million. Yet drug-overdoses soar above COVID deaths, as Santa Clara County sees a big spike as of July 31, with 49 deaths – doubling the prior year.

On top of that, half of the kids in CA can’t read or do math at grade level. Yet, districts should just keep spending millions on mitigating a crisis that the VACCINE mitigated. Invest that money into education programs, not responding to a pandemic that no longer exists, outside of a pandemic of fear.

And add indoor basketball to the list of indoor sports where the players aren’t forced to cover the faces while they spring for almost an hour in a hot room. It is so freakin sad to watch.
