Comments on: Policy Aides in San Jose Are Held to Higher Ethical Standards than President Donald Trump A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 22 Apr 2017 04:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: J.S.Robillard Sat, 22 Apr 2017 04:34:31 +0000 In reply to SJCharlie.

It is the absolute duty of all real, true Americans to pay as little in taxes as they can and keep as much of their own money away from the government as possible. I don’t care if Trump ever shows his tax returns! I hope he got a refund! If I paid more in taxes last year than some billionaire, that’s not their fault, it’s my own fault for not being able to figure out a way to hide more of it and ultimately it is the fault of all the politicos that passed the confiscatory tax laws that took my money in the first place. Trump didn’t take my money, the IRS did!

By: John Galt Sat, 22 Apr 2017 02:08:51 +0000 Just remember Josh. It’s behavior like THAT (your petulant failure to publish my comments) that resulted in Donald Trump being elected President. Own it, leftie.

By: Tyler V Hoa Fri, 21 Apr 2017 20:56:44 +0000 In reply to JohnMichael O’Connor.

as far as the form 700
no specifics regarding to whom you might owe money – WRONG
, or which particular stocks you own – WRONG
that is the whole point of the form 700 you have to list ALL of that out in detail

By: Empty Gun Fri, 21 Apr 2017 00:00:31 +0000 In reply to sjoutsidethebubble.

LOL, you guy’s are great Americans!

By: sjoutsidethebubble Thu, 20 Apr 2017 23:30:25 +0000 In reply to SJCharlie.

> I have heard from a very reliable source that the Trump tax records are being kept in a very secure vault, . . .

I heard that Ann Coulter was going to disclose the location of the very secure vault during her speech at U.C. Berkeley.

By: SJCharlie Thu, 20 Apr 2017 21:01:54 +0000 I have heard from a very reliable source that the Trump tax records are being kept in a very secure vault, under Obama’s real birth certificate, which is under his college transcripts, which is under Michelle’s college thesis, which is under Obama’s foreign student passport and Hilary Clinton’s private email server and the 33,000 deleted emails.
People protesting want transparency. Then Iet’s start publishing the names of all the welfare recipients. American taxpayers deserve to know where their tax money is going.

By: JohnMichael O'Connor Thu, 20 Apr 2017 16:50:32 +0000 In reply to sjoutsidethebubble.

Assuming the “they” you refer to is the mainstream media, if you can’t figure it out, well..

By: frustrated finfan Thu, 20 Apr 2017 16:35:12 +0000 Taxpayer,

If you consider some of the symptoms common to late stage dementia — delusions, paranoid fixations, aggressive outbursts, etc., and accept that progressives are experiencing a similar loss of control over their world, it will help you recognize brain dysfunction as the source of the otherwise incomprehensible behavior of Trump-haters.

As difficult as it might be to accept, most of these disabled souls deserve our sympathy as they did not come into this world asking to be raised by incompetent parents, brainwashed by academia, duped by the liberal press. Imagine if you or a loved one had been so manipulated by nefarious forces that you grew up admiring the decadent and deceitful Ted Kennedy, seeing culture as an evil, equating borders with race hatred, and ashamed of your nation’s history?

Donald Trump is to the hysterical Left what J. Edgar Hoover was to several generations of paranoid schizophrenics. They see him everywhere, blame him for everything, and use him to keep accountability at bay.

By: TAXPAYER Thu, 20 Apr 2017 05:08:27 +0000 Of all the possible items affecting San Jose residents, I’m baffled why Trump’s tax return merits any attention by SJI.

By: sjoutsidethebubble Thu, 20 Apr 2017 01:10:46 +0000 In reply to Empty Gun.

> By the way I’m positive the “Obama Deep State Operatives” inside the IRS will reveal any Trump indiscretions if they can find any.


Remain calm. The Trump Tax Returns crisis will resolve itself. Mr. Gun is undoubtedly correct.

I’m sure that Susan Rice, Lois Lerner, and the Daily Kos are going through Trump’s tax returns at this moment, and if ANYTHING untoward is discovered, the red phone on your desk will ring, the light will flash, and the klaxon on your fax machine will sound off.
