Comments on: San Jose Project Roomkey Motel Tenants Can Stay, California Housing Officials Say A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 08 Oct 2021 01:56:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joey Buydung Fri, 08 Oct 2021 01:56:03 +0000 Well these people will soon have to move on down the road as too many Americans are occupying these shelters that undocumented democrats need.

By: Opinions Are Ok Fri, 01 Oct 2021 19:03:36 +0000 Many live on fixed incomes – and previous reports stated many of these tenants have fixed incomes…maybe social security (including disability). So, they have an income – it’s just not enough to pay nearly $700/month. I get your point – but many, many homeless have monthly fixed incomes – they are just too low to afford housing, which is why there should be a commitment for no senior or disabled person to go homeless. We will all be old and disabled at some point – unable to work, and it’s a shame that so many elderly have nowhere to go.

By: Not Suckered Fri, 01 Oct 2021 14:43:50 +0000 JOE SMITH, a number of us do look down the road and otherwise ahead, and no, it won’t look pretty. Not that it’s pretty now, inflation included, which was wholly predictable once the money supply began being amped after 2008, even more than with minimal-interest-rate policy and big government spending. There are still people who want inflation as if it’s their drug, even though former proponents in government are saying it’s getting too high now.

To come later, the state, local, and federal public employee pension and other retirement costs ballooning, among other things, eating into budgets while Social Security and Medicare deficits (and redemption of bonds) eat progressively more into the federal budget.

Good luck finding money for public housing in expensive locations.

By: Pig Pen Fri, 01 Oct 2021 05:52:48 +0000 My wife’s family came to this country 40 years ago with only a few souvenirs. They sold most of their jewelry to buy food in the refugee camp which they shared with others. She was already a homeowner when I married her 30 years ago. She and three other siblings have university degrees although it took them 6 to 8 years to graduate while working at the same time. How was this possible?

By: not him Fri, 01 Oct 2021 04:42:08 +0000 30% of zero income is zero dollars

why does anyone pay any rent when Cartwright can just orchestra a public debasement guilt trip and her media tools cover it no questions asked?

You people keep falling for this con, goodness

ladies, it’s 2021, you don’t get to claim the weak sex, you want equality, that comes with responsibility

pay your way or move to a place you can, you can live in any number of states for 500 a month, just not in one of the most expensive places to live in

By: Kevin Case Fri, 01 Oct 2021 03:19:07 +0000 Completely agree with CA Patriot. What happened to dignity? Demanding work, or at least volunteering, in return for entitlements? This attitude that you are owed a free life when you contribute nothing to society has to stop.

By: Joe Smith Fri, 01 Oct 2021 01:42:25 +0000 Hope no one is looking down the road because it’s not looking pretty. Stock market is already having serious trouble. This will bring back to the front the cost of all these feel good programs as California revenues drop back to serious recession levels. We’ve already tossed down the toilet the windfall from the feds and they’re not going to be able to print any more money soon to hand out to states again as interest on what they owe already gobbles up more and more dollars. It’s truly amazing how the politicians were able to blow up and exploit the pandemic to create such a once of a lifetime windfall for themselves and their pet projects. It was a masterfully executed plan. And it’s why they won’t let the pandemic panic go. They see there’s still money to be found by having an endless pandemic. I bet if we instead took all the handouts from the feds and didn’t squander our windfall from pandemic relief printed money stock market boom we might have been able to put a serious dent in the looming public pension crisis. Instead we did things like this…

By: Econoclast Fri, 01 Oct 2021 00:54:40 +0000 Thanks to Ms. Lauer for continuing to cover the travails of the houseless and poor in our community.
While I have not had any sustained interactions with houseless people in San Jose or elsewhere and, therefore, cannot in any way speak on anyone’s behalf, I can provide a more nuanced view of who they than the blather provided by the libertarian bots above. Such a view is based on the last biennial county census of the houseless conducted in January 2019 ( Documents/2015%20Santa%20Clara%20County%20Homeless%20Census%20and%20Survey/2019%20SCC%20Homeless%20Census%20and%20Survey%20Report.pdf. This point-in-time count provides insights that are routinely ignored, downplayed or concealed by too many involved in the issue of houselessness. (The 2021 census was postponed for one year due to COVID-19 conditions. See

The 2019 census arrived at a total County headcount of about 9,700, a 31.2% increase relative to 2017. Three-quarters were 25 years old and above with 17% between 18-24 and 8% under age 18. About 62% were men, 36% women and 2% transgender. The data on racial composition indicates that 44% were White (including those of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity who identify racially as White), 24% were multi-racial, 20% were Black and 8% were American Indian or Alaskan Native. Ethnically, 43% identified as Hispanic/Latino.

Some 81% of the houseless resided in the County prior to their recent houselessness with 15% having previously lived in other California counties. Only 4% of the houseless resided outside the state before they became houseless. About 86% had resided in the County for one year or more, with 69% resident for at least 5 years, prior to becoming homeless. At the time of the census more than two-thirds had been homeless for at least one year and another 27% for 1-11 months. The houseless are clearly not “nomadic” migrants seeking the most generous social safety net, as libertarian and neoliberal sociopaths suggest.

A lost job (30%), alcohol or drug use (22%), divorce or separation (15%), eviction (14%), fallout with family or friends (12%) and incarceration (11%) were the six most frequently cited events or conditions leading to houselessness. While about 90% indicated they would take permanent affordable housing as soon as they can get it, the most frequently cited obstacles to such housing were rent affordability (66%), a lack of a job or income (56%), the unavailability of such housing (40%) and a lack of money for moving costs (35%). About 70% of the houseless reported receiving assistance of some type with meals (73%), bus passes (36%), community drop-in center (25%) and religious-based services (13%) being the most common. The houseless are, thus, people with low or precarious incomes, who have difficulty finding or holding jobs and who have had marital or domestic problems in their former households.

These are neighbors, friends and community members caught in the tangle of a precarious and inequitable socio-economic system characterized by lopsidedly-distributed income and wealth, by a tiny minority that devours the vast bulk of resources, where more than two-thirds of the population lives paycheck to paycheck (, and where the political stratum is captured by the primary beneficiaries of the social order. That is the objective side of their reality, as it is ours; substance use/abuse, domestic disputes and/or mental health challenges are the subjective side, as it is ours to a lesser or greater extent. As such, the houseless are the early warning system that foreshadows what may come to the exponentially larger mass surviving on the margins of sufficiency among us.

By: Not Suckered Fri, 01 Oct 2021 00:03:11 +0000 “I think the literally homeless elderly (using 55 as the age for elderly) and disabled (more specifically someone who is both elderly and disabled) should be prioritized for every housing opportunity at this point”

“how are elderly and disabled scoring “low”, if that was the case? On a vulnerability score”

You are prescient. Just wait another 10-20+ years as society ages and more and more elderly (and increasingly disabled) people are in need. I have been stating this for a long time, too, and include casual references to elderly and sometimes disabled when I refer to lower-income or other special-purpose assistive housing. There’s also the potential for abandoned schools in the future to become elderly (and disabled) centers instead (as with maybe one or more malls in larger metro areas) and it’s a shame people in government and activists, too, neglect this so badly, since it’s so obvious even though the real need has yet to materialize, as with the problems with pensions and other public employee retirement costs.

Social Security has never been intended to be a sole income source, and even the most ambitious “leveling” oriented raise-the-floor schemes by liberal Democrats wanting to spend more on the program won’t raise benefits high enough to function as a sole income source in most places in the United States, never mind in particularly expensive locations like the South Bay or the Bay Area. Governments may have to look at developing such lower-income facilities in their respective hinterlands or third-tier downward cities and pay to relocate people. That’s true for the coming elderly and disabled and with the homeless, and others who can’t afford to house themselves in top-tier sites or are prohibited for other reasons (felons, sex offenders, etc.), where a public role is essential since it doesn’t pay or pay enough in the private sector.

By: Laura Laform Thu, 30 Sep 2021 23:27:30 +0000 I just want to thank God for Sandy Perry and Shawna Cartwright for being there for us and for stepping up for helping us for scanning buys and believing in us as homeless people get down on our luck making the time in the effort thank you from the bottom of my heart Laura
