Comments on: San Jose Mayor and Council Members Promise More ‘Rapid-Build’ Emergency Housing A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 26 Sep 2021 05:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: J.S.Robillard Sun, 26 Sep 2021 05:29:00 +0000 Why are politicians creating housing for vagrants who don’t wok when people who do work have to commute 1-2 hours (one way) to get to work and parents of SJSU students are paying upwards of $1,500-$2,000 a month for their kid to share a tiny room in a cramped apartment with 4-5 other students?

By: CA Patriot Sat, 25 Sep 2021 17:00:03 +0000 “You cannot Build your way out of Homelessness,” …..LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva said.

“It was the LA Homeless Authority themselves that said
For Every 100 (vagrants) that we house,
they are replaced by 120 (more vagrants) on the street –
that math seems to elude these people … our elected officials.”

By: Joe Smith Fri, 24 Sep 2021 05:50:42 +0000 With all the homelessness and the generally unkempt environment in San Jose we’ll never see conferences here again. Why don’t we just convert all the convention centers in San Jose into homeless encampments. Would be a win-win to have indoor tent cities instead of outdoor tent cities. Plus this would reduce travel within and to the city so it’s the green thing to do.

By: Not Suckered Fri, 24 Sep 2021 01:22:40 +0000 Remove the first comma from the caption to the photo above and consider the phrase (without the following comma and spelling of “family” corrected):

“Multi-family housing like this San Jose development”

Within twenty years, much mid-rise development like that likely will be suitable for dirty-job housing.

By: Not Suckered Fri, 24 Sep 2021 01:19:38 +0000 Yes, promotion of homelessness as something that pays certain parties.

It’s a real case, not a notorious selective bogus case, of induced demand.
