Comments on: Social Fabric of Santa Clara County Communities Unravels Online and at Meetings A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 27 Oct 2021 01:21:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rakesh Yang Wed, 27 Oct 2021 01:21:48 +0000 Writers like Katie are genuinely brainwashed and that is what’s so scary, they had never experienced what it’s like living in a totalitarian state. “Reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities” is so true.

By: Next Gen Thu, 21 Oct 2021 02:29:39 +0000 So a grown woman outs a teen boy at a city council meeting, SJI writes an article on how we need to try to understand each other better, and conservatives flock to the comments section to defend the woman and cast SJI as leftist propaganda.

I think we are past the point of understanding each other. The LG demonstrators who have for months attacked the council as communist organ-harvesters deserve to be put in mental institutions – and so do some of the people in these comments who think that putting a rainbow on a crosswalk is somehow equivalent with totalitarianism.

The LG council was elected, and anti-LGBTQ conservatives, no matter how mad they are, don’t get to force their views on the rest of us. If you don’t like it – MOVE.

By: HB Tue, 19 Oct 2021 13:35:12 +0000 Is SJI ever going to report on what the mayor’s husband actually did? Or are you just going to continue blabbing about “feelings.”

By: not him Tue, 19 Oct 2021 04:32:31 +0000 why wouldn’t these people be pissed?

they live in a totalitarianistic nightmare

its funny that people are still obsessed with Trump though, if anyone hasn’t noticed, things are getting worse with the great “uniter”

By: John Galt Mon, 18 Oct 2021 04:21:57 +0000 I disagree.

By: Econoclast Sun, 17 Oct 2021 16:39:09 +0000 The main problem with Ms. Lauer’s article is that it really doesn’t tell us anything about what or why people are so pissed off. It focuses on the rage but what are people yelling about and why? Lauer could have simply found one or more of those yelling at public meetings and asked them about their grievances so that these could be discussed openly and honestly. At least we would have something concrete to discuss rather than all the amorphous allusions and the flimsy and childish “culture war” tiffs.

The libertarian comment bots’ agenda, on the other hand, is quite clear. Direct attacks on an alleged “Left,” by which they mean identitarian liberals pushing their divisive “equity agenda.” Create straw men figures and arguments that have little to do with any reality. But don’t be confused about their end game. As in the case of the “Tea Party” movement that emerged in 2007-2009, well before the Trump phenomenon, and Nixon’s Southern strategy in the !960s-1970s, the smoke is always about culture wars and race, but the fire is always about economic and fiscal matters: delegitimize government and the public sector with respect to regulation, taxation and the social safety net while pushing the primacy of private property and corporate prerogatives. The boogie monster used to instill fear is the tyrannical state out to take away your freedoms; the bottom line is the tax bill of wealthy households and corporations.

The “danger” in 2009 was the possibility of significant government spending to bail people out of the fraudulent mortgages they had been sold and the pending health care reform (Obamacare). The Tea Party then, organized and funded by wealthy donors and interests–including the Koch brothers and health insurance corporations–created an astroturfed backlash against bailouts and health insurance reform ( This time around, the aim is to undercut the possibility of the Biden “Build Back Better” plan. That is the writing between the lines and the subtext for all this noise (

By: Annonymous Fri, 15 Oct 2021 23:40:25 +0000 BTW, during the last election, we asked the voters of California whether public positions should be filled by the most qualified candidate or should race be taken into consideration. The voters wanted the most qualified candidates to filled these positions, not color, not race…what happened to our democracy? The majority have spoken, in the name of democracy, let’s not forget the voters have spoken! Race or color should not be the basis to select a candidate for for any public position.
There is no place for people with mental health illness in jail, but what about those who commit crimes? Look on NextDoor, how many messages are there about people’s catalytic converters are being stolen from their cars. What’s happened to our communities? Companies are struggling to fill positions, why can’t people pick up a job instead of stealing/robbing others?
Our country and states are going in the wrong direction.
Trump doesn’t fit to be our president, but race and color shouldn’t be the tickets to destroy communities.

By: CA Patriot Fri, 15 Oct 2021 22:20:20 +0000 Phu Tan Elli, I’ve been having similar issues with SJI –
– several times articles will have another name and email left in the reply section
– a couple times a simple post will not be accepted (haven’t figured out the key word or phase)
– recently the captcha is going on half a dozen times or more
– and on this article I have a ghost version that pops up with my first comment that I left at 8am with only 1 comment

I had to try another browser… So maybe my system cache – even though I cleared the cookies.
And something at SJI is glitchy…

By: Phu Tan Elli Fri, 15 Oct 2021 21:39:33 +0000 After four attempts over two days I’ve concluded I’m not allowed to comment on this piece.

By: CA Patriot Fri, 15 Oct 2021 16:37:22 +0000 Biden promised to unite the country and it looks like he is doing it.

—Joe Biden Invites Brandon To The White House To Congratulate Him For His Success—8Oct(Bee)

“President Biden has invited national hero “Brandon” to the White House to congratulate him on his smashing success at football games, NASCAR races, and even gatherings of New York City educators.”

“Wow, this Brandon must be quite a fella!” said Biden after listening to another raucous chant.
“For him to get crowds from All Across this Divided Country to All be United Together with such passion?
I just can’t believe that many people could all feel so strongly about one single man!
We need a lot more Brandons in our country, I’ll tell you that right now!
Let’s go, Brandon!” shouted Biden.

Biden asked Congress to join in the enthusiasm..pleading,
“…team America is cheering for Brandon.
Are you with these great crowds of people or not?”

Senator Klobuchar wept in the corner, wondering how she got smoked in a primary by this guy.
