Comments on: Local Leaders Work to Turn the Tide on Anti-Asian Hate Crimes A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 21 Apr 2021 01:11:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maria Wong Wed, 21 Apr 2021 01:11:59 +0000 @Sarah Lai Stirland: This was in Los Gatos in your own backyard, a huge gathering of Asian For Trump!! Were you on vacation then??

Also, Vietnamese strong support for Trump covered by CBS. LISTEN TO WHAT THESE ASIANS SAY ‘WHY’ THEY SUPPORT TRUMP!!
The reporter did also mention ‘Korean For Trump’ and ‘Filipino For Trump’. All this was on CBS!! Your little nobody knows paper is too small to cover big events such as these?? Or your bias political agenda leaves you no room for the fact Asians in big numbers also LOVE TRUMP?

You apparently never experienced the brutal hardship under communist totalitarian government? Well, that does not entitle you to be dismissive of the fact that communist escapees are living in your community, your town, your state and in USA! They risked their lives fleeing communism to be in USA. They LOVE President Trump who has the courage to stand up to communist china and promise that USA will never a socialist country.

It is a disgrace that you close your eyes to these Trump loving communism escapees, and our arrogance in dismissing and marginalizing them is truly despicable!

By: Michael Tsai Fri, 16 Apr 2021 18:06:58 +0000 It’s time to stand up and speak out until racism is rooted out. It’s present even in our schools.

By: It will Stay White in Santa Clara Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:13:49 +0000 I think Jeff Suzuki is a courageous fellow and Ellen Kamei is a passionate activist. Sadly, Kathy Watanabe in Sants Clara furthered the Anti Asian hate by blocking her colleague, Kevin Park, from speaking while Wstanabe’s best friend. Debi Davis accused her opponent. Mohammed Nadeem of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
