Comments on: VTA Light Rail System Back on Track Saturday A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 20 Sep 2021 01:40:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Patrick O'Connor Mon, 20 Sep 2021 01:40:28 +0000 Hear, hear. Joe Smith is correct.

The light rail system is a joke. It is 19th century technology in 21st century Silicon Valley.

Living in downtown San José from 2011-2016, I could outrun the trains when wrapping up distance runs, and I was pushing 50 years of age.

Cars were often idling and spewing exhaust fumes waiting for light rail trains to turn near Original Joe’s. Not exactly the eco-friendly system one is looking for.

The light rail trains also often dropped off drug dealers in front of Fountain Alley, known on the street as crack alley. Way to aid the criminal element, VTA.

The system is a boondoggle, and ridership is heavily subsidized.

I did take light rail to Levi’s Stadium once for a Pac-12 Championship game between the Oregon Ducks and the Arizona Wildcats, and witnessed a fight on board.

What a lovely mode of anachronistic transportation.

By: Joe Smith Sun, 19 Sep 2021 00:36:13 +0000 “awe come on man” Just shut the needless 1900s trolley down. No one wants it. We went months without it and absolutely zero people noticed. Just turn the trolleys and all the scrap metal over to recycling and convert all the tracks into bike paths. 5 years sabbatical with OT for all employees after which they just get terminated. We save billions and lose nothing at all.
