Comments on: Local Democratic Party Votes Down Idea to Join Chamber A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 21 Jul 2015 20:01:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thereliableinformer Tue, 21 Jul 2015 20:01:49 +0000 In reply to DisgustedinSJ.

I wonder if Officer Johnson made half a million dollars before his brain was blown out from his skull on Senter Rd?

By: Thereliableinformer Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:55:49 +0000 Hey Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce, hows Measure B working out for you? I can’t wait to run into Matt Mahood to ask him what other waste he will be endorsing at the California 2016 polls…. Glad you guys have a pretty blue building at your front door. Helps hide the hobo fecal matter that littered the door steps of the old building. Oh and I hope as a tax payer I will be invited to the next downtown special interest Contractor’s Ball…. I hear Devcon and Swenson already got their invites. Ill have to talk to Tom next time I see him around San Pedro Square..

By: Herb Waxman Sat, 18 Jul 2015 16:15:06 +0000 In reply to Frank Mockery.

Bravo Mr.Mockery,keep publicly punishing these pathetic political pantywaists !

By: sjoutsidethebubble Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:29:31 +0000 In reply to Frank Mockery.

> illiterate like you John & my other mentally deficient detractors

> few can actually dispute the factual nature of my comments or attack their indisputable veracity;

> you’re in way over your heads,give up before I’m forced to verbally eviscerate you on an hourly basis.

> I always enjoy a battle of wits & witticisms with the “unarmed”

Mr. Monkey:

You sound like a guy who enjoys clubbing baby harp seals.

It’s unclear to me how you think clubbing illiterate, mentally deficient, factless, witless, hare brained, hide-bound internet couch potatoes establishes your intellectual or political creds.

Shouldn’t you be picking a fight with someone with some real stones and gravitas, say, Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter?

By: Frank Mockery Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:23:36 +0000 In reply to JohnMichael O’Connor.

Better alliterate than illiterate like you John & my other mentally deficient detractors ! Please notice that while few can actually dispute the factual nature of my comments or attack their indisputable veracity;they constantly resort to impugning me personally instead. Yet then when I respond to them in kind & in spades they wet themselves & whine hysterically about my personal attacks. Gentlemen you’re in way over your heads,give up before I’m forced to verbally eviscerate you on an hourly basis. They say it’s better to give than to receive & I always enjoy a battle of wits & witticisms with the “unarmed” & intellectually unprepared. “The pen is mightier than the sword” & Travis Bickle was a regular Shakespeare compared to you John. Besides no one really cares what you hare-brained,hidebound,holier-than-thou halfwits have to say in the first place. So you can take your specious & ridiculous words of derision,roll them into a little ball & stick them in the second place (you’d better have somebody explain that to you). Bring it bitches,I just love it when you’re a) angry b) apoplectic c) livid d) all of the above (the answer of course is D) !!!

By: JohnMichael O'Connor Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:51:10 +0000 Frank: you weaken your message considerably and divert attention from the issues by your vituperative personal attacks on all and sundry who disagree with you. Adopting your tactic, I’d advise you to take an anger management course of at least 52 weeks. Also, please turn in all your weapons at the next buyback program before you go postal, and use the money to buy the meds you sorely need. Doesn’t everybody just love Frank’s sophomoric love of alliteration? WOW! SJI has its very own Travis Bickle. I put the over/under on when Frank’s explosive words become explosive deeds at 9/11/15. I’ll take the under.

By: sjoutsidethebubble Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:59:00 +0000 > no amount of PR could cast you or your putrid ilk in a better light.

Oh dear.

Mr. Monkey didn’t like my idea.

By: Frank Mockery Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:32:25 +0000 In reply to Frank Mockery.

“Monkey” ? Really Bubba ? So we can add racist & bigot to your short resume ! Save the shoe polish for your famous minstrel show act,no amount of PR could cast you or your putrid ilk in a better light. Besides hiring someone would require big dollars & common sense,two things you seem to be sorely lacking. It’s too bad Darwin didn’t live long enough to determine how you specifically avoided taking part in evolution,but “monkey’ would certainly be a major leap forward for you. Calling you a “monkey” would be an insult to “monkeys”,though you undoubtedly need one frequently to explain the premise of my remarks to you. Even Pavlov’s dog would be deemed significantly smarter than you & if it had an opposable thumb it could be doing your job both at work as well as at home ! Do try to come up with an amusing or clever retort next time (if that’s even possible);as you’re beginning to bore me & in turn all of the other more intelligent readers as well !!!

By: sjoutsidethebubble Fri, 17 Jul 2015 03:51:41 +0000 In reply to Frank Mockery.


I’ve been thinking of hiring a PR agent to polish up my image.

Do you think that would help?

By: Frank Mockery Fri, 17 Jul 2015 02:24:26 +0000 In reply to sjoutsidethebubble.

I’ve just read up on your other inane,inaccurate,ill-conceived,illogical & indefensible comments on topics dear to smug self-righteous simpletons like yourself. You’re just a hater,another typical low intellect Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity & FOX News enthusiast who believes & repeats every lie or opinion he hears as if it were a fact. In a state where one with chronic mental disabilities can be denied the right to vote by court order I find it hard to believe that someone who knows you hasn’t already intervened. On the other hand you probably fold your sample ballot into a hat when you receive it & have no idea where your polling place is actually located. “Civilization” is moving forward leaving dinosaurs like you behind,so do us all a favor,take a bottle of “valium” & step off the planet now ! San Jose Mercury a liberal newspaper,you are out of your mind ? Their editorials & the editorials of every paper that the Media News Group owns always demonstrate a conservative bias;invariably out of step with the views of the majority of their readers & residents of the communities they supposedly serve !! If that fish wrapper/bird cage liner ever landed on my porch,I’d demand that they were cited for littering. Maybe if you had a glass belly button you could see what’s so clear to everybody else !!!
