Comments on: Development Fee to Fund Homes Coming to SJ. What Will it Cost? A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 02 Sep 2020 22:35:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJOutsideTheBubble Wed, 02 Sep 2020 22:35:29 +0000 > That’s bad news in a city already feeling downward pressure on its budget because it has more homes than jobs—the opposite problem of most Bay Area cities.

More homes than jobs?

Development Fee to Fund Homes?

How does this make sense?

By: John Galt Wed, 02 Sep 2020 05:01:23 +0000 If our politicians spent as much money and effort on the people that actually live in San Jose as they do on people that don’t, we might stand a chance of having a decent city.

By: hoapres Wed, 02 Sep 2020 02:20:18 +0000 If you can’t afford to live here then you don’t live here. I just solved the housing affordability problem.

By: SJ Kulak Tue, 01 Sep 2020 23:54:27 +0000 So many things in the past were urgently needed, bond measures, inclusionary fees, rent control, causa justa, and on and on. And they made things worse or just resulted in wasted money.

This is just some sort of blood offering to the masses that will trickle into some useless prevailing wage project, perhaps building a few hundred SROs for $700K each. But we have to appear to be fighting against the rich, make the billionaires pay!

These fees do one thing, make everything more expensive, and those costs are ALWAYS paid by the customers. Costs run downhill, and whatever services or products that are offered in these buildings will just cost everyone a little bit more.

No meaningful amount of housing will come of this. Anyway there is plenty of incentives to build housing any number of other ways, not least of all LIHTCs. But those don’t get built because of CEQA, UGB, more fees and needless red tape. But we keep dancing this dance, and the poor suffer.

That the city is even considering these fees when employment at 12%+ and the future is a very real issue. Everyone realizes office space may be a thing of the past, right? This is ludicrous. If you make office space too expensive, it will just force companies to maintain work from home operation. That means less lunches out, less sales tax, more amazon deliveries, more billions for Jeff Bezos, and less foot traffic for small businesses.

How is this even a discussion?

Oh yeah this is San Jose and some how this is a labor issue and the unions want it.
