Comments on: New Poll Finds Two-thirds of Californians Concerned about Water Supply, Wildfires A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 03 Aug 2021 23:33:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: CA Patriot Tue, 03 Aug 2021 23:33:29 +0000 NWS, exactly.. the 85 GPD per person in a household does not include outdoor usage. New(TAX)som needs to learn you can’t conserve your way out of a drought, of course he is bankrolled by the billionaire Getty empire. “How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent.” (LATimes)
“His father was a lifelong friend of Gordon Getty, the son of oil magnate J. Paul Getty”.. He has always been “a child of privilege, his path greased by family and political connections and billionaire patrons.”
Democratic control in Sacramento has done little about water resources since the ’70s, but New(TAX)som will Rob the Gas TAX (Roads & Infrastructure Funds) to ensure a high-speed train between Bakersfield and Merced in the soon-to-be dust bowl Central Valley.

Sacramento has to get on board with streamlining the Environmental Review process and invest the budget surplus into sustainable Water and Energy projects. New reservoirs, new and higher dams and water reclamation projects – much cheaper to recycle household waste water than to desalinate ocean water. Gavin New(TAX)som may not care about Water, Fires, and Energy but he will ensure you will be able to go between Bakersfield and Merced in a hurry.
“Many CA dams need infrastructure and operational upgrades. 2/3s of California’s dams are at least 50 years old. More than 90 need major upgrades to better handle large floods or withstand earthquakes.”

By: NWS Tue, 03 Aug 2021 22:52:07 +0000 (Natural News) The Golden State is entering yet another severe dry season and the state government is responding by draining all the reservoirs and dumping all that precious fresh water straight into the ocean.

Shocking new reports indicate that over the past several weeks, the California State Water Board has routed at least 90 percent of Delta inflow right into the sea, leaving farmers with no water to grow their crops.

“It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people,” tweeted Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener, along with the hashtag “#ManMadeDrought.”

While California’s reservoirs are designed to hold up to five years’ worth of fresh water for the state’s water needs – and had been filled to capacity back in June 2019 – the state’s water overseers are now flushing all that water down the toilet, essentially.

According to Diener, who is both a farmer and a water expert, fresh water is being unnecessarily dumped from California’s reservoirs at a time when it is most needed, which bodes ominous for the coming summer season.

“Are we having a dry year? Yes,” Diener says.

“That is normal for us. Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five-year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019.”

A data chart from the California Data Exchange Center shows that back in 2019, all of the state’s reservoirs were well over capacity. Now, they are all being drained for some unknown reason.

“You’re looking at our largest reservoirs less than two years ago,” Diener says about the chart.

“They were absolutely teeming with water from 107% to 145% of average! Our reservoirs held enough water for everyone who relies on them for their water supply, for 7 years. We are barely into our second dry year. WHERE DID IT GO?”

By: NWS Tue, 03 Aug 2021 22:46:47 +0000 There would be no water shortages in California if the government stopped draining all the fresh water into the ocean
According to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, statewide water usage averages around 85 gallons per day per person. This is not very much, and yet urban and residential users are routinely ordered to conserve as much water as possible by letting their lawns turn brown and die, avoid taking showers, and washing their clothes more infrequently.

Meanwhile, the state government has opened up the dams to let all the fresh water in reserve flow right into the ocean. It is akin to turning on your faucet and letting it run all day, every day, except your faucet is the size of a canyon.

The hypocrisy is stunning, and yet too few Californians seem to be aware of what is taking place right underneath their noses. There is simply no reason for all this fearmongering about water shortages when the state government is wasting all the water that would otherwise be available in abundance.

“Before our magnificent reservoir projects were built, California never had a steady and reliable supply of water. Now water is being managed as if those reserves don’t exist, by emptying the collected water from storage to the sea, rather than saving it for our routinely dry years,” Diener says.

“Our water projects were designed to be managed for the long term providing a minimum five year supply, but California has now put us on track to have a man-made drought crisis every time we don’t have a wet season.”

As for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $5.1 billion so-called “drought response” package, it does absolutely nothing to fix the problem. All it does is pay off water bills that were made too expensive by the state’s intentional water scarcity scheme.

To learn more about how the state government of California has weaponized the water supply to control the population, visit

By: CA Patriot Tue, 03 Aug 2021 18:17:34 +0000 Tea Maker, Residential water use is not the cause or solution for CA’s natural drought cycles.
“Water in California is shared across three main sectors..roughly 50% environmental, 40% agricultural, and 10% urban”. Despite population growth, total urban (household) water use has also fallen – from 231 gallons per day (GPD) in 1990 to 180 GPD in 2010, and 146 GPD in 2015 in response to drought- related conservation requirements.
And as we learned in the last drought conserving household water just leads to higher bills as water department revenue (based on usage) declines.
“California Water Rates Rise as Cities Lose Money in Drought”
Water departments are increasing rates and adding fees because they’re losing money as their customers conserve in response to California’s four-year dry spell.

By: CA Patriot Tue, 03 Aug 2021 17:50:03 +0000 NWS, Bait & Switch Politician Gavin New(TAX)som is focused on catering to his Special Interest groups to Buy his way out of RECALL – it will only get worse if he retains office.
“California Gov. Newsom Using Stimulus To Buy His Way Out Of Recall”
Gavin Newsom trying to “..expand the Golden State stimulus relief package to include $600 stimulus checks for households making up to $75,000.
He also plans to give an additional $500 to families with children as well
as $500 to ILLEGAL immigrant families.”

By: Tea Maker Tue, 03 Aug 2021 17:47:37 +0000 Goodness! People need to stop siding with one party of their choice and start using their common sense to make an educated decision. Majority of these politicians are in office for their personal interest — and they have problems of saying things that are mostly false. It’s like story telling to them.

Look, whether you’re Republicans, Democrats, Independent, or Green party, just use your common sense. I know Gavin has a lot of issues I disagree, but his mask mandate and business to temporarily shutdown during the pandemic is the RIGHT CALL.

I definitely DISAGREE with him regarding immigration and releasing inmates last year, BUT you win some, you lose some.

Democrats vs. Republicans — pick one of the lesser evil. At the moment, Republicans have a serious issue in which make George W. Bush’s Iraq Invasion is brilliant.

Regarding the water crisis, mandate the rich to stop hogging all the water. We know they can afford it. We know if California rises the water bill, they still can afford. SO, the only way to make these people to stop wasting water is to mandate them to STOP or face jail time. I am referring to the rich in LA and the BAY AREA.

This country definitely need a daddy to put down the hammer. Republicans are acting like a spoil brats, and Democrats aren’t much better.

By: NWS Tue, 03 Aug 2021 16:36:52 +0000 We need a Governor who can produce real solutions for California’s problems. I’m tired of being told when I can and can’t use water. I’m tired of being told when I can and can’t use electricity. This is not a viable solution. Vote to recall Gavin Newsom.

By: CA Patriot Tue, 03 Aug 2021 00:55:56 +0000 StevenG, Well at least we agree that former President Trump was looking out for Poorly led one-party liberal states such as CA, but the decades of special interest catering and one (mis-guided) party leadership has done such severe damage that takes more time to correct in one or 2 terms.
The issue at hand is the current failed leadership of CA that would squander the budget surplus on social programs that are not sustainable while failing to provide the proper infrastructure for long term water and energy sustainability.
You must have moved to CA after the 2017 drought breaking rainfalls that were flushed to the oceans due to dam removals (due to eco-terrorist environmentalists) and broken/ failing dams and gates that could not contain the rains due to decades of infrastructure neglect.
Bait & Switch DEMs like Gavin New(TAX)som directly SPIT In The FACE of CA Voters when he redirected the increased 2017 SB 1 (Road Repair and Accountability Act) Gas Tax & vehicle fee dollars to his pet projects like railways to nowhere. instead of the “advertised” purpose to fix freeways, bridges, local roads… various infrastructure projects around the state.
“Gov. Newsom’s Executive Order Authorizing Theft of Voter-Approved Gas Tax Money
Order violates Prop. 69, while eliminating highway expansion and repair projects”

By: HB Mon, 02 Aug 2021 23:29:20 +0000 Change forums if you don’t like. Or, in the alternative, at least stop your braying.

By: HB Mon, 02 Aug 2021 17:00:13 +0000 News flash! Trump is no longer the president! Read all about it!

The Republicans haven’t run CA since the Terminator (a Dem in Reps clothes) was elected in a recall of G Davis in 2003. Gee, a recall, that sounds familiar.
