Comments on: Sharks Captain Logan Couture Claims He Was ‘Sucker Punched’ for Saying He’d Vote Republican A look inside San Jose politics and culture Fri, 28 Aug 2020 18:33:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Fri, 28 Aug 2020 18:33:15 +0000 Mx Vaquero,

I stand with you, justice finally served. I am so happy blacks are taking back their stolen sports like basketball and football, and baseball is being returned to its true owner, the Dominicans.

No justice, no peace
No justice, no dunks
No justice, no peace
No justice, no picks
No justice, no peace
No justice, no…

By: Vacancy Vaquero Fri, 28 Aug 2020 18:17:29 +0000 The photo says it all. They’s a white supreme racist who ought to go back where they came from and join Justin Trudeau to practice the sport they stole from indigenous people on which they capitalized.

By: Phu Tan Elli Fri, 28 Aug 2020 14:39:42 +0000 @Don’t Be a Collaborator (or an explainer)
Of course we all know what it means to support Trump, and recognize the current administration’s authoritarian fascism (as opposed to the persuasive type). How could we not? It is the progressive message. It is the media’s message. It is the message, it is the message, therefor it must be the truth.
We all await more messages, lest we fall into collective cognitive neutral.

By: SJOutsideTheBubble Fri, 28 Aug 2020 00:33:08 +0000 Poll:

“Is it OK for other people to like Donald Trump?”

By: Don't Be a Collaborator Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:34:14 +0000 I am extremely disappointed to hear that the captain of the Sharks is a Trump supporter, which he clearly is based on his first post, even if he later tried to walk it back. Trump has shown us enough of who he is that we all know what it means to support Trump at this point, and now Couture has shown us all who he really is. I have never wanted to be a supporter of “cancel culture,” but it goes completely against my values to support a team headed by a man who not only sees authoritarian fascism as a normal ideology in American politics, but actively supports it. Sharks can have my support and my money back when this guy is gone.

By: William Clark Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:04:50 +0000 No Logan you’re wrong. Shutting up isn’t the answer.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke

By: SJ Kulak Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:19:15 +0000 The left cant meme and you continue to prove it

nice try

By: WESTSIDECONSERVATIVE Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:11:45 +0000 To be a conservative in America is to face constant oppression. We thought that by electing Donald Trump things would change for us, yet here we are… Charlottesville, Gilroy, Kenosha, conservative men hunted down by ethnics, and liberals… not even the police can protect our men from being assaulted for demonstrating our God given supremacy :( This would never happen in the “John Wayne” days when we were free to express ourselves, defend our freedom against aggression from natives and other ethnics, and America was GREAT.
We need to protect affirmative action– like legacy admission, so that racist ethnic families don’t replace us in schools and jobs, and we can keep our money in the community. We need diversity and equity training so that we are not discriminated against in the classroom and workplace. We need criminal justice reform so that PATRIOTS are no longer presumed guilty, have their rights protected, and are given DUE PROCESS!! Something the liberal mob seems to know nothing about!!

By: Thereliableinformer Thu, 27 Aug 2020 16:03:34 +0000 The left has no idea how deep the Trump under currents run… 2020 will make Hillary’s loss look like baby food!

By: SJ Kulak Thu, 27 Aug 2020 02:19:02 +0000 “That being said. The reason the world has come to this is because of the Republican Party.”

I think this statement says it all.
