Comments on: Some CA Colleges Try ‘Restorative Justice’ in Sexual Assault Cases A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 02 Jan 2023 23:20:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not Suckered Mon, 02 Jan 2023 23:20:22 +0000 Honestly, the Taliban’s idea of “restorative justice” with relatives of a crime victim given weapons with which to shoot the criminals makes more sense than happy talk and feeling better, or so it’s imagined.

Meanwhile, rape victims should act independently of the schools, particularly when you have men’s football or basketball players involved and association with professional league feeding of successful players conferring bragging rights and an edge in recruiting to gain positive feedback on this. (It’s worst when it involves wealthy and influential former- and current-pro alumni, and that can reach into other sports, too.) Other wealthy or influential people or their relatives make your situation also bad. Get medical help at once and contact police. Take the initiative with the consequences of what happened to you. Many will fail you or be worse, may collude with the schools to suppress bad publicity or success at athletics and at recruiting (think Tallahassee), or just blunder, or lawyers don’t do well, and the media may blunder, of course.

By: HB Sat, 31 Dec 2022 18:33:38 +0000 How about just go right to the emergency room immediately after the event and report to the doctors what happened? If you do, they will use a rape kit to bolt down the evidence in real time. The DNA will not lie. You will immediately be given access to lots of support options (not controlled by the school.)

You owe it to yourself to stand up to rape (be it date rape or any other kind). You owe it to other women who will become the perpetrators next victims — these guys never do it just once.

Forget about going to the school, they will do everything they can to bury the case so that it doesn’t show in the public records and tarnish the schools well-crafted public image. Notice this comment in the article:

“At UC Berkeley, restorative justice advocates were developing a separate pathway for handling cases outside the university’s Title IX office, said Julie Shackford-Bradley, director of the university’s Restorative Justice Center.”

A “separate pathway?” In other words, they will make your case “non-reportable,” and you will lose your rights to criminal and civil redress. UC Berkeley is actively trying to subvert the meaning and enforcement Title IX, which was designed to protect women.
