Comments on: Santa Clara University Charts New Future with First Female Layperson as President A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 10 Mar 2022 07:57:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Smith Thu, 10 Mar 2022 07:57:45 +0000 It was a mistake for the Jesuits to update the University’s bylaws to remove the requirement that its president must be a Jesuit priest. I don’t think they fully comprehend what they just did.

By: neutrino78x Thu, 03 Mar 2022 14:00:54 +0000 Again she’s not a lesbian not that it would be a problem.

Note that the Jesuits are highly educated and support the big bang theory, the fact that man evolved from lower forms of life, and the fact that the universe and the earth are billions of years old. The pope also knows the pandemic is real and urges people to get vaccinated and boosted.

Check out the book Brother Astronomer by Brother Guy Consolmagno, the Jesuit Brother who runs the Vatican observatory. They do secular science there in cosmology planetary science and other things. Brother Consolmagno has a BS in Planetary Science (study if planets and asteroids and exoplanets) from MIT and a PhD in the same subject from the University of Arizona.

By: not him Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:13:54 +0000 married means nothing

let her run SJSU or Berkeley or Santa Clara or Stanford or USC

whatever sexual orientation, lesbian or otherwise; whatever gender; whatever denomination

but Catholic is about doing things the same way, it’s not about modernity, more an antidote for it.

The Catholic Church pulled Western Civilization out of free fall, conquered the Romans, the Goths, the Greeks, the Germans, the Celts, the Inca, the Mayan, and the Aztecs

It’s a system and a way of life that unapologetically prioritizes the family, labor, and community through traditions, and Catholic Institutions, universities, schools, monasteries, orphanages, etc. that did that conquering did it the same way for centuries

let modern institutions be places of modernity, and leave the Catholic Institutions to their old traditional ways

frankly with the absolute deterioration and destruction of society that you and your ilk have perpetrated on your inherited outrageous fortune given to you by the Catholic Church, I would think you would want to have them around as a hedge to your experiment, but your hubris blinds you.

Once your dear leader Hillary and her hand puppets Biden/Harris gets you in a nuclear war, it’ll be the Catholic Church, likely in concert with Islam, that rebuilds society, just like last time

By: neutrino78x Wed, 02 Mar 2022 14:13:39 +0000 Not him,

Not that there would be anything wrong witha lesbian in charge but this woman is married to a man. Read the last sentence of the article, thanks.

By: not him Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:22:16 +0000 The Catholic Church needs a rebirth

There are plenty of these lesbians’ running universities, fine, but they don’t need to be running Catholic ones.
