Comments on: Congress Can Do Something About Homelessness, By Supporting Local Innovation A look inside San Jose politics and culture Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:51:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: juanamarro Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:51:08 +0000 Tiny houses are just a fetish for enthusiasts that think they are cute. (apparently SJI staff)

If we were serious, we wouldn’t attempt to house people in the most expensive MSA in the country.
Instead, we’d use cheap land elsewhere in California or even in other states and build drug treatment centers in a ranch/dorm type setting.

I don’t care if that means people don’t have high-net-worth people to panhandle from or rob.
The 10% of homeless that AREN’T addicts can go right to job training, maybe beginning with basic self discipline training and psychological support.

There will be a sizable number of people that have developed serious mental illness, and I’m more than happy to pay to help institutionalize them (they are our fellow citizens).

But let’s get some basic sanity first and you’ll find the public will respond much more positively. This is crisis level.

By: juanamarro Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:39:49 +0000 How about if we enforce immigration laws, opening up massive amounts of housing, reducing crime and pushing back against the flow of drugs across our border?

That would also open up many unskilled job opportunities for people that need to get back on their feet. We would have plenty of our own poor even without anyone here illegally. Why don’t we help our own before inviting more poverty into our country?

How about even beginning with deportation of non-citizen vagrants?

How about not making it iILLEGAL to check immigration status before deciding whether to provide public benefits to a person?

There will be ZERO cooperation if these fundamental issues aren’t addressed.

By: Don Gagliardi Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:30:44 +0000 Per the federal government, in 2014, the year before Sam Liccardo became mayor, there were reportedly 7567 homeless in San Jose and Santa Clara County.

In 2023, Destination Home reported 9,903 homeless in San Jose and Santa Clara County, a roughly 20 percent increase over the course of hizzoner’s tenure.

By: John D. Heagerty Wed, 17 Jan 2024 00:40:09 +0000 Thank you, Candidate Liccardo. I appreciate your recommendation to engage Congress directly in solving the homeless crisis. As we know, “All politics are local.” From Washington. D.C., to San Jose, CA, the intractable problem of housing the homeless can only be solved with joint action at the local and federal levels.

The results from the Liccardo mayoralty were positive in attempting to mitigate this massive housing problem among the homeless. It was an impressive start, but unfortunately insufficient long-term. Congress needs to be on board. The Liccardo candidacy for the House offers the opportunity to connect strongly with Washington to solve this vexing problem finally. As a successful mayor of a Top 10-sized U.S. city, Liccardo possesses the strongest credentials among District 16 candidates for working with Congress and the White House. He has the drive and knowledge to get the job done. Sam Liccardo can do what the other candidates lack in experience and contacts.

I endorse Sam Liccardo to fill the District 16 seat in the House of Representatives formerly held by Rep. Anna Eshoo.

John D. Heagerty, Resident of San Jose since 1970.

By: Not Suckered Tue, 16 Jan 2024 23:06:34 +0000 Who is he appealing to? Using “national” [sic] in place of “federal” for government and “nation-wide” for those things involving or affecting the entire nation generally, one of the latest trends in language among those doing the chattering or clucking, is a clue — those Dem voters who would make Gavin a future President and thought Harris was U.S. Senate material, even Presidential.

There’s a horde of them in the South Bay and the politics are lowly enough to enable it.
