Comments on: How Silicon Valley Moguls Save Millions in Taxes by Skirting a Century-Old Law A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:43:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trevor Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:43:59 +0000 Great article. Losses and depreciation should just be dissolved from the tax code. They are the two biggest money makers for the rich.

By: SJ Kulak Wed, 15 Feb 2023 19:08:52 +0000 finally, the rubes are catching on

wealth is all about managing accounting losses – depreciation, wash-sales, carried interest, like kind exchanges – as tax destroys and accounting losses are the antidote to poisonous and corrosive nature of taxes

hopefully, the rubes will then realize the rich don’t pay taxes, certainly not like the rubes think. Not only do they have an array of ways to avoid taxes, but their income is made off assets (and the profit from those assets is extracted from the middle and working class) not their labor, so raising taxes only hurts the middle class who trade their lifeforce for crumbs and pay income and payroll taxes which provides the debt service on government over-spending

don’t worry your local uniparty masters see this and now are happy to extract lifefroce from the poor as well with sales tax, payroll tax, and gas tax

hopefully, the rubes will reach the next level when they realize almost every penny the government overspends eventually ends up in the pockets of the said rich – defense, SNAP, Section 8, LIHTC, Obamacare, to name a few… even a big chunk of the NGO spending on social workers ends up in landlords’ pockets.

one of the sneakiest sneaks in American history was the coining of the term “government waste” as if those dollars are lost in the bottom of the ocean or burnt in a pit in the back yard. Government waste directly ends up in the pockets of the rich and serves as a distraction to the rubes – convincing them that their Team Captains will put that waste to an end

and the rubes will transcend to be the enlightened when they realize that this overspend and outrageous waste recurs year on end (even with a bit of growth yoy) and can be securitized at valuations of 20-30x the annual profit it generates

remember it’s called capitalism, not whinerism nor laborism nor a debtors’/renters’ paradise – all cash flows are capitalized, mostly notably your subjugation

all of this explains the “right/left” divide, immigration, welfare, the defense budget, the uni-party that runs the federal government

the funniest thing I’ve ever heard was that welfare transferred wealth from the makers to the takers – which of course is only partially the opposite of the truth – welfare is the transfer of cash flows from the middle class to the rich, who then turn that into wealth as described above

but alas, the rubes will never realize this because they are too sure they are right, that their team is the true Righteous One, and they can’t see past their noses on how ridiculous and exploited they are. rubes will always be rubes as long as they hate each other

By: Vacancy Vaquero Tue, 14 Feb 2023 21:08:33 +0000 This story ought to be in The Wall Street Journal, but would anyone who reads it do anything about it?

Maybe Ro Khanna reads this paper and can team up with some Republicans and figure out how to change the tax law.
