Comments on: Phone Calls, Financial Support Preceded Council’s Dec. 5 Vote A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 03 Oct 2023 15:22:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Concerned Citizen Tue, 03 Oct 2023 15:22:08 +0000 Funny that nearly a year later we see the real intent of this move. First, a labor controlled council to saves a measly $1 million. Then we have city labor threatening a strike. Then the city council approves raises that will cause $10 million budget deficit. Could have been fiscally responsible and push the increases over a larger amount of time, but hey, at least we see the whole intent nicely played out. Well played labor, your ROI – a couple hundred grand in political donations turns into millions in higher wagers, which results in closed libraries and fewer police officers.

By: geometry dash Tue, 28 Feb 2023 02:06:07 +0000 In response to a police officer’s refusal to take a COVID shot, Matt Mahan called for their dismissal. Also very close to and supported by Liccardo, who was a total failure himself.

What intelligent, logical candidate has a chance of winning an election in this place? Appointment is preferable. They are all essentially the same; the only difference is that SJ taxpayers are saved millions of dollars at a time when the economy is on the verge of collapse.

By: TK Mon, 19 Dec 2022 18:57:05 +0000 I am not sure it makes any difference for appointing vs. electing, especially with an enormous cost of having a special election.

Matt Mahan, the man who wanted to fire police officers for refusing to take a COVID shot. Also, very close to and endorsed by Liccardo – himself a complete failure.

What competent and clear-thinking person can realistically get elected here in this area? May as well appoint. They are all more or less the same, just saves SJ taxpayers millions of dollars at the time when the economy is about to go off the cliff.

By: JAFO Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:36:06 +0000 Just an Observation,

SJ Kulak, why are you always personally attacking people. Especially when they accurately point out the REALITY of the situation?

The GOVERNMENT has no control over high rent and low pay, that is the PRIVATE markets, who have failed to efficiently provide either quality jobs or fair rents due to market manipulation.

With regards to bad roads, I do see some chronic road quality problems, but in a tectonic area like ours, the costs of maintenance are SKY HIGH. There has been more than 10 quakes in CA in the last 2 weeks.

As far as schools are concerned, the introduction of charter schools and vouchers has created a major deficit in funding for them. Especially where “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND” cause more damage than helped.

But in the long run, politics is a POPULARITY contest, and those that spend money on candidates or ballot measures that FAIL simply must pay it. And again I know that only about 23.9% are republican and the rest 76.1% are independent and democratic. That make Republicans either provide CLEAR and UNDENIABLE evidence of have better solutions or they are bound to lose every time.

Get your teams act together and provide better solutions, or you will never gain anything in this state.

By: SJ Kulak Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:25:21 +0000 @FLORENCIO CORONA

You are exactly right!

Both sides do it and since you obviously look for any reason to rationalize it is what makes your life suck so bad. That is why you have high rent, low pay, bad roads, and crappy schools.

Congratulations! You have played yourself.

By: JAFO Fri, 16 Dec 2022 18:44:29 +0000 Just an Observation,

Given that an appointment would likely be not the person that many here would want, due to the composition of the Council. I was promoting the election because at least it is assured to be a fair process regarding who makes the decision.

Mountain view has a similar problem but because of the existing composition of the City Council, very likely a person with “like” minded political interests would be chosen. We currently have a 5-2 power profile where only 2 are promoters to cut off rights under the CSFRA, and tried to get voters to amend it, but they lost by a 2 to 1 vote, the ballot measure was Measure D.

It looks like no matter what, either by appointment or election, many here would simply be disappointed with whoever is assigned the tasks

By: Florencio Corona Fri, 16 Dec 2022 03:09:51 +0000 Labor unions contribute to candidates and so do so called business councils. You don’t think Liccardo or Mahan haven’t received any donations which may or may have not affected their votes.

By: Wooden Uliktokno Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:39:57 +0000 Liccardo’s comments are laughable at best. They are not speaking for a represented class. 2022 midterms showing is hardly representative of our fellow neighbors lmao. Everyone knows turnout is higher during Presidential election years, this is why they themselves even changed the SJ Mayoral election term to align with the Pres election cycle. Holding a special election is an absolute waste of time, money, and energy. Sounding like a Trumper IMO.

All you will have is ‘interested’ voters showing up, meaning ardent Mahan supporters, why? Because why would any of Chavez voters show up, for an ADDITIONAL election if she or her cohorts already lost? How is that a fair, ‘special’ election either? Oh wait, it is not.

That’s why appointments work, bc the selection is happening by a group of people already designated and that voters have already showed up and voted for at a pre-designated election, and not ‘special election,’ where only interested folks would show up at polls. It’s elementary. Mahan obviously knew what he was doing, and did this to get the council majority. Similar to decrying annd questioning election results like a Q-follower.

All those saying “oh the voice of the people, what about the vote!?” The people have spoken. The question asked on the ballot, “should Mahan be mayor?” Not “should marry select to choose replacements.” That wasn’t asked to the majority of folks who showed up that day to the previously held elections. It was not advertised for weeks on end as the other questions at hand had been.

You’re all missing an important element of voting here. Whether voters are actually informed or not, it is up to institutions to make an attempt to do so to inform, or it is corrupt. The council felt as if the representation the previously had was enough. Disagree?

See them at the ballot box next election. I know I WILL. Stop wasting money, when people are homeless, and businesses/people are paying crazy taxes. I thought Mahan was elected to put a stop to things like this? If he is so popular, and his ideas are THE WAY, then he should have no problem convincing his new cohorts. That’s politics.

By: hardtobeamoderate Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:48:27 +0000 Recall Davis- Sour grapes because she did not make it through the primary. She betrayed her principles, limited as they were, to side with the liberal block. But then what can you expect from someone who did not have the guts to stick with the Republican Party lest that label cost her an election in San Jose. Recall Davis.

By: WillowGlenNative Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:22:19 +0000 San Jose now resembles a banana republic. Dev Davis is finished politically.
