Comments on: Most of 49ers Money for Chavez Is Spent, Future Aid Uncertain A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sat, 27 Aug 2022 05:03:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Salem Sat, 27 Aug 2022 05:03:30 +0000 What Mr. Holtzclaw’s meandering piece avoids is naming the scandal that is the political system that institutionalizes the interests of the propertied classes ahead and above the public interest. Both the constellation of 49er-alligned politicians and the “legacy” Gillmor-alligned coalition of politicians, real estate interests and the Santa Clara police union ultimately represent different factions of wealth owners and their sectional priorities.

The first group is headed by recent immigrants to Santa Clara (here I am referring to York and company–not the most-recently elected council members) while the second consists of long-time residents who are used to running–and feel entitled to run–local affairs. The current battle between Becker and Gillmor for the mayor’s seat is the culmination of a conflict whose seeds were planted about a decade ago (

From the point of view of Santa Clara residents, and in a very real way, this battle has serious consequences for the use of the city’s considerable resources and, crucially, what portion of existing and potential city resources will be dedicated to public goods and services and what portion will end up on the bottom line of the 49er organization’s balance sheet. Either way, propertied interests will continue to hold sway over city government in Santa Clara. The same goes for San Jose whether Chavez or Mahan prevails. That is the real story that Mr. Hotzclaw’s piece obscures.

By: Diane Torres Fri, 26 Aug 2022 11:33:32 +0000 What is troubling to most women I know is Becker’s history of berating seniors when they address the council and long history of comments about his female colleagues.

By: Diane Torres Thu, 25 Aug 2022 22:38:57 +0000 Is it really true that Suds Jain has an open committee which he can use to distribute money to Becker for Mayor 2022??

Phone poll results showed a bad reaction of the public for a new Citizens committee or a county committee to form to support Chavez and Becker.

By: Leonard Yee Thu, 25 Aug 2022 20:06:55 +0000 I have had a lot clients in Santa Clara as I have a gardening business with my brother in law who lives there. Every month, he and his second wife let me stay over, but they watch the City Council meetings on their computer while having snacks. I watched the meeting and I am surprised Mayor Gillmor let this guy Becker rant for 20 minutes about having the city get a new sign for the 49ers.

Confession time, I used to do grounds work at some school sites and I did always like what I heard about the Gillmors, especially from the teachers who had kids in soccer.

Becker loves to hear his voice. Over and .over about the value of the 49ers.

I go to a lot of games. Been a fan since Dwight Clark.

But they are a team, not a precious gem.

Gillmor maybe fierce, but it is about money, and Santa Clara did spend a lot.

By: Stan Garcia Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:36:01 +0000 2020
Mike Honda writes the 49ers, spend millions in Santa Clara, Secure Minority Council Members


Suds Jain, Anthony Becker, Kevin Park Habir Batia, well too much money from Sajeev, the Bernie Madoff of the South Bay. Now she is raising money for Becker

No relation to 49ers, right?

First thing Suds Jain is call Rahul Chandhok. Not Mike Honda.

Time for us to meet. I am bringing Park and Becker.

Hmm, wonder why?

Next item FIRE DOYLE, Next item FIRE SANTANA Next item, relax Curfew, next item, free game passes

Honda objectives???????


Get Gillmor. Use the Brian Exline suit, though he lost. Use “toxic environment” Use lawsuit settlement offer for 3 percent of actual amount.

Wow, no wonder Jain creates robots, he and Becker function as robots.

By: Diane Torres Thu, 25 Aug 2022 17:41:12 +0000 Plans are underway for the 49ers to spend millions of dollars. Suds Jain runs Anthony Becker. Axial Media handled their campaigns in 2020 and also handled Chavez. Mahan, Sellers, Jain have already signed off on three mailers. The focus will be on Gillmor as a business person and as a mayor. Three phone polls from EMC blanketed Santa Clara. This time Jain and others will also contribute money. Jain favors running the committee himself and getting the 49ers to contribute to it in order to create the impression that it is a Santa Clara committee. Ed McGovern is in favor of that idea as is Mahan. Hence, the quiet.
