Comments on: Santa Clara Considers Settlement Offer from 49ers in Levi’s Stadium Dispute A look inside San Jose politics and culture Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:43:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Salem Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:43:50 +0000 The significance of this development is as follows: While no settlement between the 49ers and the City has been formally announced, what is at stake here are: 1) who will manage the non-NFL stadium operations going forward (the City in 2019 sought the termination of the management agreement with the 49ers with regard only to non-NFL activities, not the management agreement in its entirety) and; 2) potentially tens of millions of dollars in revenue losses to the City-owned Stadium Authority that will instead accrue to the 49ers in the form of cost savings or additional earnings. (The San Francisco Chronicle has more fully captured the nature of this potential “sweetheart deal” as constructed by the City council majority that has taken power over the past two election cycles with the assistance of an unprecedented intervention on the part of the 49ers led by Jed York (

If a deal with these conditions is eventually agreed, the City will suffer significant losses of past, current and future revenues, improperly taken by the 49ers. That would be many multiples of any legal costs that the City is incurring in defending its interests. (The link to the document provided by Cynical for a Reason (above) is indicative of what kind of sums are potentially at stake.) 49er spokesperson Chandhok’s concern with City’s deficit and its legal costs are talking points designed to deflect attention from what is really at stake here and to force a sweetheart deal in favor of the 49ers. Evidence suggests that Councilmembers Chandhal, Hardy, Jain and Park will be willing accomplices in this poison pill solution ( Santa Clara residents beware.

By: Cynical for a reason Sun, 21 Aug 2022 03:16:49 +0000 Oh how quickly local “journalists” forget how to investigate or to report. Perhaps you’ll remember this 2018 episode in which the City “Santa Clara $180 Million Victory over 49ers in Levi’s Stadium Rent Dispute & Mayor Seeks Prompt Payment and Full Transparency”? No? Might this have something to do with the 49ers pushing every not-great-“news”-source to echo its line that settling for 3.3 million is somehow a great accomplishment? It seems that the City was doing well for itself by itself, without settling. Maybe the 49ers realize that the City might continue to win in court? And you guys call yourselves “reporters”. Really just change your job titles to “I write whatever I’m told because that’s my real job.” Or “I’m a professional echo device, not a real reporter.”

