Comments on: Construction Slated for North San Jose Apple Campus Disrupts Encampment A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 17 Mar 2022 15:45:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: OrlandoRay Thu, 17 Mar 2022 15:45:45 +0000 I worked on that development project, and it’s pretty impressive from the architectural site. We used quite remarkable methods to calculate our measurements. That kind of evaluation is rarely used. You can learn about it only while learning theory (matrix transformation questions and answers) from resources like here; you can find out what advanced practices like those only there. Although there were environmental and stakeholders issues, it was not where I was involved. I am most proud of my team’s work. Even it was a one-year post, it was heartwarming to remember those days.

By: Joe Smith Sun, 12 Sep 2021 00:41:03 +0000 What we want to know is why has the city of San Jose reopened “The Jungle” off of Story Road and just across the street from Happy Hollow our large park for our youngest children? Is the water department going to city again to get the area cleaned up? How many millions of dollars will it take to complete this time? The city leadership has failed us once again.

By: HB Tue, 07 Sep 2021 00:01:03 +0000 To Deborah:

Please, your comments might apply to one in five-hundred homeless people. Studies show that well over half (and most likely over 70%) of all homelessness is caused by mental illness, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, anti-social behavior, and plain ole garden variety criminal conduct.

We will never be able to fix this problem until we face the reality of the root causes. As long as the homeless hucksters keep pressing their “not for profit,” “we need affordable housing” balderdash, we will never solve the problem.

By: Sam Sun, 05 Sep 2021 20:23:10 +0000 The whole city needs to be swept clean. Enough is enough. You are not entitled to live where your don’t own Period. And housing is not a right. You pay for it. Shame on all those so called activists that penalize decent responsible tax paying residents for the benefit of those who don’t contribute.

By: deborah Fri, 03 Sep 2021 17:34:12 +0000 seems to me there is always a personal reason/story why. someone has become homeless. For one who was displaced because the owner of my rental unit failed to pay his morgage with the housing money being given. therefore ,the property went into forclosure and we were forced to vacate.. I AM a college graduate and taxpaying citizen(have been since my first job at age 15 1/2. i am now 55) before grouping all homeless together and labeling us get your facts straight PLEASE

By: Terrence Michael Healy Fri, 03 Sep 2021 16:14:19 +0000 Zoning in cities across the US has prevented affordable housing to be built since 1985. Only allowing single family homes. ATHERTON has a lot size of 1 acre per home. It needs to be addressed at the Federal level. The other problem is 90 percent of the solutions are temporary and just kick the can down the road. All the counties in California should pool a percentage together in Northern California and Southern California to create 2 to 3 locations with 30 thousand quanset huts and all solutions to help the people, medical, Mental Health, job training, a farm to grow their own food, social services and help transition people back into society. Those that are drug addicts and alcoholics can be transitioned into treatment. It could even have a source for manufacturing and product assembly. Counties are spread thin and can only provide temporary solutions that fail

By: Kevin Case Fri, 03 Sep 2021 14:13:09 +0000 Mr. Patriot;
Anyone who has been closely involved with any homeless outreach, or homeless housing initiatives, knows that sadly you are 100% correct. It is all a money grab by “non-profits,” who profit very nicely, and very little of the money filters down to people who need it. The article gets one thing almost right, “Many are concerned about maintaining their belongings, pets and family members if they don’t align with hotel or shelter rules—often a reason people prefer living encampments.” What is missing is the real reason they won’t go to shelters or hotels: they can’t bring illegal drugs or alcohol, so they refuse.

By: CA Patriot Fri, 03 Sep 2021 14:03:34 +0000 Yes, Andrea Urton (non-profit CEO), and Vagrancy Advocates are licking their chops right now… They are very happy to get a chunk of that “..$2.5 million budget” offered for people that do not want to help themselves.

The Goals for the ‘Homeless Advocate’ Swindlers:
How can I collect another city contract?
How can I collect more Medicaid dollars?
How can I collect more federal matching funds?
It’s more important to Keep the Staff Paid than to actually help the poor become self-sufficient.

“Every major city in CA is spending tens of millions or more on programs for the homeless.
But most of the money is being wasted. ….Why?
Because there is a Homeless Industrial Complex that is Getting Rich,
Wasting the Money,
while the homeless population swells.”

…. “If the Problem gets Worse, they get More Money. “

By: NWS Fri, 03 Sep 2021 13:42:57 +0000 Mr. Mena

I concur.

By: HB Fri, 03 Sep 2021 13:39:57 +0000 Mr. Mena: Very good comments. The reason he doesn’t report the truth, which is obvious to anyone who objectively looks at “homeless,” is because he is a Leftist propagandist.

The Leftists can’t win power unless they hide the failures which are systematic in their flawed ideology. Their own failures are always turn into the crisis de jour. The failures for which the Left’s solutions are always higher taxes, more “programs,” and loss of rights and liberties.

Ergo, the compliant useful idiots in the press.
