Comments on: Google’s SJ Offer is Unmatched, But Some Wonder if it’s Enough A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 29 Apr 2021 19:41:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Kroger Thu, 29 Apr 2021 19:41:05 +0000 To Patrick, nothing like some good old juvenile name calling to spice up an intelligent discussion. Good for you.

By: Robyn Thu, 29 Apr 2021 18:09:41 +0000 What is the population saturation number?
We are facing shortages of natural resources which negatively impact our quality of life.
Public services have deteriorated as costs have constantly risen.The county collects increased property taxes every year yet we have nothing much to show for it. Every thing is self-service. Do it yourself.
Also, our annual car licensing fees include $20 for the County. Where does that money go as the roads crumble?
The next pandmic is around the corner. High density housing and crowded public transportation exacerbate the “spread”. Look at India now. Again, what is the population saturation number?

By: Definitely Not SJ Kulak Thu, 29 Apr 2021 01:07:11 +0000 Google will screw you

has NOTHING to do with inequality

A Scorpion wants to cross the river, so he asks a Frog to carry him across the river on its back. The Frog declines, pointing out that the Scorpion is poisonous, and will kill the Frog. The Scorpion counters that the Frog will be in no danger, because if the Scorpion stings the Frog during the watery journey, both will perish.

Buying this logic, the Frog agrees, allowing the Scorpion onto its back, and swims across the river. Only when they reach the middle of the river, the Scorpion stings the Frog. Shocked and dying, the Frog declares “Why? You’ve killed us both!” To which the now drowning Scorpion retorts: “Because I’m a Scorpion.” And they both die.

Except in this case, the scorpion can swim. Michael Phelps level swimmer, and you are less a frog and more like a toad. And like many toads you will end up road kill when Google runs its EV AI driven 18 Wheeler over your face and doesn’t look back. Like it always does.


By: Not Suckered Wed, 28 Apr 2021 03:03:12 +0000 The “public amenities,” which are never required, will be the first to go, as a rule, if the design changes or the development must be economized — or if politicians or activists make things harder and more expensive.

The question is, would it be more offices and other jobs, which many want, or more housing.

Whatever it is, the city wants to apply activism to the streets, which means there is a threat of loss of capacity, and even without new housing or offices, Google reportedly would be adding 20,000 jobs to the area (whether transferred or new) and many more daily area car trips, from 19,200 to 136,600. Oops. (San Jose wants little more than a third eventually to be by car. Ha, ha, ha.) At least the Sharks are worried (as they should be, since the Insiders don’t care about the team or SAP, probably, either).

By: Phil Hood Tue, 27 Apr 2021 05:03:56 +0000 This really strikes me as ridiculous. These issues have been debated for years. Google has made a great effort to address problems. San José needs jobs and anchor corporations such as Google rarely make this kind of commitment. The city also has lost major development projects in the past by dragging its feet on approvals. This is the kind of massive downtown development the city has sought for three decades. End the discussion.

By: Patrick Tue, 27 Apr 2021 04:02:58 +0000 The only thing you can count on these liberal socialist wannabes to do is mess up one opportunity after another to give the city more competitive edge it badly needs

By: Patrick Tue, 27 Apr 2021 03:07:47 +0000 The one thing you can count on is these liberal socialist wannabes to fuck up every opportunity to strengthen the city’s competitive edge

By: Alan B Mon, 26 Apr 2021 23:03:57 +0000 I am curious how the graduate student is addressing the inequality that exists between him and other humans.

And once he’s taken action to reduce it, I wonder how he will address the inequality that will still exist between him and other humans.

And once he’s taken action to reduce THAT inequality, I wonder how he will address the inequality that will exist between him and other humans.

As one might guess, this is a never ending gripe that can never be resolved and one that those griping NEVER address themselves. Not that I expect them too. But I can’t help pointing out the hypocrisy and lack of concern with reality.

By: Alan B Mon, 26 Apr 2021 21:53:47 +0000 You gotta love the college student blaming Google for not doing enough to address systemic inequality. Did Google cause it? No, the nature of reality did when it failed to make every human being exactly the same.

All Google has done is make everybody’s life better. But it failed to force everybody to use Google equally, so the company is as guilty as sin.

Thus implieth the graduate student!

By: Thad Mon, 26 Apr 2021 19:22:20 +0000 San Jose don’t mess this up. Other cities north of you have done far far less to build housing and because of that offer much better quality of life services to their residents. Better parks, better code enforcement better public safety. Not having Google will not solve social issues. A strong budget with more revenue coming in, and the County taking more of a role in social services will do so. That means a little less housing and a little more corporate. Something our neighbors to the north have been practicing for many years.
