Comments on: Homeless Californians Tell Their Stories to The New York Times A look inside San Jose politics and culture Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:59:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: JAFO Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:59:20 +0000 Just an Observation,

just like in 2007 they blamed the poor and the minorities for the economic collapse of the great recession.

The same song playing out here, but 2023 Residential and Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities, Real Estate Values, and MANY Residential and Commercial Landlords are going to go bankrupt.

Looks like your trying to put the blame on the WORNG people still. Trying to say it is the homeless that is the problems.

This is just scapegoating because the REAL AGONY is on they way for you.

By: Try Adulting Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:40:12 +0000 Bad enough we have the junior college level San Jose Sob-Light (SJS) pushing almost constant activism and advocacy for the unaccountable and unproductive vagrants & transients that destroy the environment, community and taxpayers enjoyment of their hard earned homesteads.

The NYT’s can take their sob “stories” and add a dose of reality in which adults make adult decisions on career choices, where they can afford to live and taking personal responsibility for their lifestyle choices and situations.

By: Work90 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 15:52:54 +0000 Didn’t bother to mention that the drug & alcohol addictions are largely responsible for the mental illness. Nor that the addictions are largely responsible for the family and friends distancing themselves from them. Nor that Democrat administrations have been allowing the rampant flow of illegal drugs to flood across our borders causing addiction nation wide.
But whatever, we know your paid for the propaganda pieces.

By: Joe Smith Wed, 22 Feb 2023 05:28:48 +0000 “You’re just going to sit and do nothing. And who can do that for hours at a time?”

Who can do that? Seemingly about 50,000 people in Santa Clara County can do that, that’s who. Do we provide health services to treat their mental illnesses or drug addiction? Nope, we give them cell phones and tents to use along our creeks and rivers then toss the majority of homeless funding down the toilet on a token number of virtue-signaling tiny homes and pay homelessness consultants. Until we start providing the medical care these people need zero dollars should be spent on anything else related to homelessness such as consultants or tiny homes.
