Comments on: Joe Simitian Makes It Official: He’s Running for Congress in 16th District A look inside San Jose politics and culture Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:57:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: RJ Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:57:55 +0000 Simitian pushed through a lot of expensive bleeding heart policies that ultimately do not benefit anybody. But it’s just taxpayers money, so help yourself.

By: Local Yokel Reprise Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:30:56 +0000 SUE ALLEN, indeed, someone in their fifties or sixties is better if you view it objectively or if you view it with respect to longevity in office (not one of my desires). In the seventies is when people, notably those not working and wearing their bodies physically, begin to experience disabilities associated with aging; it’s when being old really begins in developed countries normally now. You want more vitality, though 50-plus brings maturity, especially in order with so many people, and that includes voters in farther-left places, exhibiting extended childhood now, or arrested development, well into the twenties and often into the thirties now with Millennials, and Zs threatening to extend it even more. (One day actually to one’s fifties, one wonders, more likely someday than athletes achieving it first. To think 50-55 has long been the standard ambitious goal for an early retirement, already, and nowadays also where ageism begins to strike sharply.)

By: Rich Preston Wed, 06 Dec 2023 05:14:45 +0000 Please let’s not send an old politician that should be retiring to our capital. Joe is a nice guy but ALWAYS splits ‘the baby’ in half. We need bold leadership and not a professional politician!

By: AO Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:51:03 +0000 It does seem like this is Evan Low’s race to lose.

I don’t think Joe Simitian’s intitial fundraising advantage will sustain itself or amount to much — all the candidates have enough of a network to fundraise. They all have nearly equal name id in the district.

By: Vacancy Vaquero Sat, 02 Dec 2023 07:53:15 +0000 If the competition is Evan Low and Sliccardo, Joe Simitian is hands down the least of evils.

By: Michael Sat, 02 Dec 2023 03:08:05 +0000 I am old and I agree with you. What everyone forgets is all of these folks including Anna started out much younger. (She was 50 when elected) Nothing against Simitian. He has done a fine job. But surely we have some talented 50 year olds who can do the job

By: Sue Allen Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:20:18 +0000 Anna is old and needs to retire. Good for her. The problem is that Joe is also over 70! He needs to recruit someone about 20 years younger than he is so we can have a representative from our area in Congress long enough to gain seniority. Congress needs to enact a mandatory retirement age, and do whatever it can to encourage the next generation to take over.
