Comments on: Facebook’s Oversight Board has Upheld its Ban of Donald Trump A look inside San Jose politics and culture Mon, 10 May 2021 18:31:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: SJ Kulak Mon, 10 May 2021 18:31:26 +0000 of course im not going to read the incredibly clueless apologist comments, as if legality was a measure for whats right. It is laughable you tools can cheer this on, what a bunch of non principled sellouts. I guess thats how we have tenants stealing rent by gaming a moratorium designed to help poor people and low life landlords min maxing loopholes. No moral restraint means no freedom in the limit, and moral restraint comes from belief in God.

By: HB Mon, 10 May 2021 00:21:44 +0000 While they are not a government agency, they are protected by Section 230. If you pick and choose who and what you are going to post, then you become a publisher and should be liable for what you say and do.

By: Not Suckered Mon, 10 May 2021 00:00:23 +0000 Along with the college totalitarianism elsewhere, we’re seeing mention here again by a liberal of wanting to sue writers of comments that liberal doesn’t like. Classic, with the question being one of warped and diseased ideology as with many others on the Left, or just being an opportunistic grifter if the legal system could be milked.

By: Not Suckered Sun, 09 May 2021 23:55:11 +0000 Campus PC fascism with liberal hatred and intolerance for dissent or rejection, spread elsewhere, now with woke “cancellation” and “erasure” to add to its mentality and totalitarianism, upholds itself (again). It’s software, so there are no statues (or caps, etc.) being removed in this instance, too so far as we know.

By: Phu Tan Elli Sun, 09 May 2021 21:11:40 +0000 “A Facebook-appointed panel of journalists, activists and lawyers…” — Mike Isaac

Rephrased: a panel of disgraced liars, crazed liars, and professional liars. American society, led by the born liars who call themselves politicians, is now as corrupt as any on earth, small wonder they support censorship.

The collective inability of these scoundrels to understand why free speech is essential is itself evidence of its essentiality, for the Founders understood free speech to be as unnatural to mankind as it was essential to the artificial environment created by the Constitution. They understood that this new nation, with a revolutionary goal, required protection from the usual suspects: scheming despots (e.g. Biden’s puppeteers), fashionable idiocies (e.g. the idiot-savants at Facebook, Google, etc.), and the easily corralled herd (e.g. liberal arts students).

The discomfort, anger, and disgust we experience when exposed to offensive speech/material is a response selected by nature to promote tribal unity, a tried-and-true natural form of censorship. And had the Founders intended for this nation to be like all others speech would have remained subject to control. But because they wanted something more for America, because they desired to protect its people from the worst of their natural inclinations, they constructed a document designed to counter those evils and free the people to create a more perfect society (one that became the envy of the world by freeing its people to capitalize on their natural gifts, including their Bright Privilege).

That censoring a person, group, or belief can feel righteous is hardly surprising, but that doesn’t make it noble or any less destructive when done for nefarious purposes. We are quite capable of keeping society safe via the promotion of decency and shared values, the use of persona and public shaming, and, for those who turn their free speech into lawbreaking, incarceration. This truth exposes the true goal of the pro-censorship movement not as societal betterment but as the acquisition of unbridled power, which takes us right back to what the Founders had hoped to leave behind in England.

Question: How long before that dweeb Zuckerberg starts referring to Facebook members at his serfs?

By: SJ Kulak Sun, 09 May 2021 13:07:27 +0000 Its so funny how you so called liberals stand up and cheer censorship and debase yourself prostrate at the feet of your billionaire overlords, especially Gates and Zuckerberg.

Goodness I thought the boomers were sellouts.
